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Part 1: Document Description
Citation |
Title: |
Database Expert Survey on Teacher Training and Support Policies by Country |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8ADRH |
Distributor: |
Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA |
Date of Distribution: |
2021-08-05 |
Version: |
2 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Van den Borre, Laura; Van Droogenbroeck, Filip; Spruyt, Bram, 2021, "Database Expert Survey on Teacher Training and Support Policies by Country",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA, V2, UNF:6:qTi+LIadr4wl/iIVHI1YZg== [fileUNF] |
Citation |
Title: |
Database Expert Survey on Teacher Training and Support Policies by Country |
Identification Number: |
doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/8ADRH |
Authoring Entity: |
Van den Borre, Laura (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Van Droogenbroeck, Filip (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Spruyt, Bram (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
Producer: |
Producer Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Date of Production: |
2020-03-30 |
Software used in Production: |
Qualtrics |
Software used in Production: |
Excel |
Distributor: |
Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA |
Access Authority: |
Van den Borre, Laura |
Depositor: |
Admin, Dataverse |
Date of Deposit: |
2021-08-04 |
Holdings Information: | |
Study Scope |
Keywords: |
Social Sciences, Social Sciences, Lower-secondary school teacher, Teacher Salary, ISCED-2, Mentoring program |
Topic Classification: |
Compulsory and pre-school education, Educational policy, Employee training, Income, property and investment/saving |
Abstract: |
Expert survey on teacher training and support policies by country developed by the Flemish team of the 2018 Teaching and Learning International Survey. |
Version 2.0: Data files were added to the dataset. |
Version 2.1: Typo removed |
Time Period: |
2018-01-01-2018-12-31 |
Date of Collection: |
2019-12-13-2020-02-01 |
Country: |
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, United Kingdom, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic of, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Viet Nam |
Geographic Coverage: |
Buenos Aires, Alberta, Taipei, England |
Geographic Unit(s): |
Country-level |
Unit of Analysis: |
Individual expertise on national/regional teacher policies |
Universe: |
Experts in teacher training and support policies TALIS countries |
Kind of Data: |
Survey Data |
Notes: |
The same version of this dataset is also available via the Open Science Framework. Van den Borre, Laura, Van Droogenbroeck, Filip, & Spruyt, Bram (2020). Database Expert Survey on Teacher Training and Support Policies by Country. Open Science Framework. |
Methodology and Processing |
Time Method: |
Cross-sectional |
Data Collector: |
Laura Van den Borre |
Sampling Procedure: |
Expert sampling with as prime selection criteria for the educational experts: academic excellence established with regards to the national teacher policies and/or membership to leading research groups in the field |
Mode of Data Collection: |
The questionnaire was hosted by Qualtrics and distributed online via personal invitations to 108 educational experts from the 48 TALIS-countries. |
Type of Research Instrument: |
Structured survey |
Sources Statement |
Documentation and Access to Sources: |
The same version of this dataset is also available via the Open Science Framework. Van den Borre, Laura, Van Droogenbroeck, Filip, & Spruyt, Bram (2020). Database Expert Survey on Teacher Training and Support Policies by Country. Open Science Framework. |
Characteristics of Data Collection Situation: |
The data from the expert survey has been anonymised. |
Actions to Minimize Losses: |
Follow-up via telephone and email |
Response Rate: |
For 19 countries, we did not succeed in gathering the relevant information. We conducted follow-up talks via telephone and email to ascertain the reasons for not participating. The most prevalent explanations were the complexity of the educational system (federal or regional organisation) and personal motifs (“too much work, too little time”). |
Data Access |
Archive Where Study was Originally Stored: |
Open Science Foundation, <a href=""></a> |
Disclaimer: |
Much care has been taken to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data and documentation. Nevertheless, the depositor or the producer of these resources will not be held liable for damage or loss enquiring from any act or omission resulting from the use of these resources. |
Notes: |
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> (CC-BY). |
Other Study Description Materials |
Related Materials |
| |
Related Studies |
Builds on data from Education at a glance, 2019: table D3.1a Teachers' statutory salaries, based on the most prevalent qualifications at different points in teachers' careers (2018). |
Builds on data from European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2019. Part II Teachers' and School Heads' Salaries: Annual gross statutory salaries of teacher, by experience (2017/18). |
Builds on data from PISA 2015 results, 2016: Annex B1 Table II.6.56 Pre-service teacher training requirements in public institutions (2013). |
Related Publications |
Citation |
Identification Number: |
10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101833 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Spruyt, B., Van Droogenbroeck, F., Van den Borre, L., Emery, L., Keppens, G. A., & Siongers, J. (2021). Teachers’ perceived societal appreciation: PISA outcomes predict whether teachers feel valued in society. <i>International Journal of Educational Research</i>, 109, 1-12. [101833]. |
Citation |
Identification Number: |
10.1016/j.tate.2021.103427 |
Bibliographic Citation: |
Van Den Borre, L., Spruyt, B., & Van Droogenbroeck, F. (2021). Early career teacher retention intention: Individual, school and country characteristics. <i>Teaching and Teacher Education</i>, 105, [103427]. |
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Technical overview Expert survey on teacher training and support policies by country.docx |
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