Document Description
DiF - Divorce in Flanders (ENG)/ SiV - Scheiding in Vlaanderen (NL)
Identification Number:
Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA
Date of Distribution:
Bibliographic Citation:
Mortelmans, Dimitri; Pasteels, Inge; Bracke, Piet; Matthijs, Koen; Van Bavel, Jan; Van Peer, Christine, 2021, "DiF - Divorce in Flanders (ENG)/ SiV - Scheiding in Vlaanderen (NL)",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA, V2, UNF:6:a4ao/Vf5Vxyhy8SLHfKL/Q== [fileUNF]
Study Description
DiF - Divorce in Flanders (ENG)/ SiV - Scheiding in Vlaanderen (NL)
Identification Number:
Authoring Entity:
Mortelmans, Dimitri (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Pasteels, Inge (Hogeschool PXL)
Bracke, Piet (Universiteit Gent)
Matthijs, Koen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Van Bavel, Jan (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Van Peer, Christine (Studiedienst Vlaamse Regering)
Grant Number:
Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA
Access Authority:
Claessens, Elke
Access Authority:
Dimitri Mortelmans
Claessens, Elke
Date of Deposit:
Holdings Information:
Study Scope
Social Sciences, Social Sciences, Marriage, Divorce, Cohabitation, Re-partnering, Family relations
Topic Classification:
Family life and marriage, Children, Gender and gender roles, Social behavior and attitudes, Employment, Unemployment, General health and well-being, Reproductive health
Divorce in Flanders (NL: Scheiding in Vlaanderen) is a multi-actor panel study on relationships, causes and consequences of relationship dissolution, as experienced by (ex-)partners, new partners, children and parents. The currently available data is the result of the first wave of data collection, which took place between 2009 and 2011.<br>
There are currently two groups of datasets, distinguished by the anchor respondents to which they pertain.<br>
The first group, <b>"married/divorced"</b>, is oriented around respondents who have either been married once and have never divorced, or have divorced once (and possibly remarried once) before 2009. Insofar possible, a face-to-face interview was conducted with both the anchor respondent and their (ex-)spouse, who is also an anchor respondent. Within this anchor relationship, one target child was selected. If living inside the household and over the age of 10, the child was also contacted for a face-to-face interview. If living outside the household and over the age of 18, the target child recieved a mail questionnaire. Similarly, one parent of each respondent in the anchor relationship received a mail questionnaire, as well as a new live-in partner of a divorced anchor respondent. This gives way to the following datasets concerning the "married/divorced" group:<br>
DiF1 - M&D - Anchors <br>
DiF1 - M&D - Children in HH <br>
DiF1 - M&D - Children outside HH <br>
DiF1 - M&D - Parents <br>
DiF1 - M&D - New partners <br>
Also available are three extra datasets. The first contains medatadata on the anchor relationship. The second combines all individual survey data (i.e. of the respondents listed above) and metadata on the anchor relationship. The third also combines all survey data, but distinguishes the anchor data, parent data and new partner data by gender of the anchor respondent. This is indicated by a leading M_ for male anchors and F_ for female anchors. No distinction is made for children, as only one child per relationship is questioned. The dataset also contains metadata on the anchor relationship. This gives way to the following extra datasets concerning the "married/divorced" group: <br>
DIF1 - M&D - Metadata anchor relationship<br>
DIF1 - M&D - All data (individual) + metadata<br>
DIF1 - M&D - All data (by gender) + metadata<br>
The second group, <b>"recently partnered"</b> is oriented around respondents who have either recently (i.e. 1.5 years prior to the sample selection) married or begun to cohabit. Insofar possible, a face-to-face interview was conducted with both the anchor respondent and their current spouse/partner, who is also an anchor respondent. One parent of each respondent in the anchor relationship also received a mail questionnaire. This gives way to the following datasets concerning the "recently partnered" anchor relationships:<br>
DiF1 - RP - Anchors <br>
DiF1 - RP - Parents <br>
Again, there are three extra datasets available. The first contains medatadata on the anchor relationship. The second combines all individual survey data (i.e. of the respondents listed above) and metadata on the anchor relationship. The third also combines all survey data, but distinguishes the anchor data and parent data by gender of the anchor respondent. This is indicated by a leading M_ for male anchors and F_ for female anchors. The dataset also contains metadata on the anchor relationship. This gives way to the following extra datasets concerning the "recently partnered" group: <br>
DIF1 - RP - Metadata anchor relationship<br>
DIF1 - RP - All data (individual) + metadata<br>
DIF1 - RP - All data (by gender) + metadata <br>
All DiF data is freely available to all interested parties in English and in Dutch, both within and outside of the scientific domain. After completion of the second wave (expected 2024), the collected data will also be made available here. <br>
Finally, also available are the codebooks of the various datasets. These are only available in English.
Geographic Coverage:
Unit of Analysis:
Multi-actor data: individuals linked to anchor respondents of an anchor relationship.
Kind of Data:
Survey Data
All datasets are also available in SAS (.sas7dat) format upon request from
Methodology and Processing
Time Method:
Data Collector:
TNS Dimarso
Sampling Procedure:
Simple random sampling conducted by the National Register. For more details, consult the documents "Steekproefplan_gehuwd_gescheiden" (group married/divorced) and "Steekproefplan_recent_partner" (group recently partnered). Both documents are only available in Dutch.
Mode of Data Collection:
For anchor respondents and children in the household: CAPI interview<br>
For parents, new partners and children outside the household: mail questionnaire
Type of Research Instrument:
Structured with a few open ended questions (e.g. job description)
Sources Statement
Weights are available in the following marriage/divorced datasets: <br>
- DIF1 - M&D - Anchors <br>
- DIF1 - M&D - All data (individual) + metadata <br>
- DIF1 - M&D - All data (by gender) + metadata
Response Rate:
For the marriage/divorced group, the individual response rates are: <br>
- 42% of all contacted respondents <br>
- 37% of the gross sample <br>
For the recently partnered group, the individual response rates are: <br>
- 39% of the gross sample
Data Access
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a> (CC-BY).
Other Study Description Materials
Related Publications
Identification Number:
Bibliographic Citation:
Mortelmans, D., Pasteels, I., Bracke, P., Matthijs, K., Van Bavel, J., Van Peer, C. (Eds.), <i>Scheiding in Vlaanderen</i>, Leuven: Acco.
Bibliographic Citation:
Pasteels, I., Mortelmans, D., Bracke, P., Matthijs, K., Van Bavel, J., & Van Peer, C. (2011). <i>Divorce in Flanders: Multi-actor design, sampling design and response rates</i>. Antwerp, Belgium: University of Antwerp.
Bibliographic Citation:
Mortelmans, D., Pasteels, I., Van Bavel, J., Bracke, P., Matthijs, K., & Van Peer, C. (2011). <i>Divorce in Flanders. Data collection and code book</i>.
Bibliographic Citation:
Mortelmans, D., Pasteels, I., Bracke, P., Matthijs, K., Van Bavel, J., & Van Peer, C. (2012). <i>Divorce in Flanders. Codebook and questionnaires</i>.
Identification Number:
Bibliographic Citation:
Pasteels, I., & Mortelmans, D. (2014). <i>Data management and weighting procedures for survey data with multi-actor design</i>. SAGE Publications, Ltd.
(external link)
Identification Number:
Bibliographic Citation:
Pasteels, I. (2015). How to weight survey data with a dyadic multi-actor design?. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field, 1-11.
(external link)
File Description--f2459
File: DiF1-M&D-AllData_gender(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-AllData_individual(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-Anchors(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-Anchors(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-ChildreninHH(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-ChildreninHH(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-ChildrenoutHH(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-ChildrenoutHH(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-MetadataAnchors(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-MetadataAnchors(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-NewPartner(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-NewPartners(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-Parents(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-M&D-Parents(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-RP-AllData(gender)(ENG).tab
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File: DIF1-RP-AllData(gender)(NL).tab
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File: DIF1-RP-AllData(individual)(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-RP-Anchors(ENG).tab
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File: DIF1-RP-MetadataAnchors(NL).tab
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File: DiF1-RP-MetdataAnchors(ENG).tab
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File: DiF1-RP-Parents(ENG).tab
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File: DIF1-RP-Parents(NL)
Variable Description
List of Variables:
M_AX99904 - A\ ID individual partner (keyvariable)
M_AX99900 - A\ ID reference marriage
M_AX99905 - A\ Sequence number interview
M_AX99906 - A\ timing interview: day_auto
M_AX99907 - A\ timing interview: month_auto
M_AX99908 - A\ timing interview: year_auto
M_AX99910 - A\ timing interview: start hours_auto
M_AX99911 - A\ timing interview: start minutes_auto
M_AX00100 - A\ Interviewer number_auto
M_AX00201 - A\ timing interview: day
M_AX00202 - A\ timing interview: month
M_AX00203 - A\ timing interview: year
M_AX00301 - A\ timing interview: start hours
M_AX00302 - A\ timing interview: start minutes
M_AX00400 - A\ Start interview: presence other persons
M_AX00501 - A\ Start interview: partner present
M_AX00502 - A\ Start interview: children > 6 years present
M_AX00503 - A\ Start interview: children < 6 years present
M_AX00504 - A\ Start interview: other adult(s) present
M_AX00600 - A\ Code introduction lettre
M_AH05800 - A\ Check household members
M_AH00100 - A\ Number of household members
M_AH00200 - A\ Name
M_AH00401 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month respondent
M_AH00501 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year respondent
M_AH00601 - A\ Household members: age respondent
M_AH99801 - A\ Household members: age_auto respondent
M_AH00701 - A\ Household members: sex respondent
M_AH01101 - A\ Household members: marital status respondent
M_AH05900 - A\ Ever divorced
M_AH00402 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 2
M_AH00502 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 2
M_AH99802 - A\ Household members: age_auto 2
M_AH00602 - A\ Household members: age 2
M_AH00702 - A\ Household members: sex 2
M_AH00403 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 3
M_AH00503 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 3
M_AH99803 - A\ Household members: age_auto 3
M_AH00603 - A\ Household members: age 3
M_AH00703 - A\ Household members: sex 3
M_AH00404 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 4
M_AH00504 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 4
M_AH99804 - A\ Household members: age_auto 4
M_AH00604 - A\ Household members: age 4
M_AH00704 - A\ Household members: sex 4
M_AH00405 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 5
M_AH00505 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 5
M_AH99805 - A\ Household members: age_auto 5
M_AH00605 - A\ Household members: age 5
M_AH00705 - A\ Household members: sex 5
M_AH00406 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 6
M_AH00506 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 6
M_AH99806 - A\ Household members: age_auto 6
M_AH00606 - A\ Household members: age 6
M_AH00706 - A\ Household members: sex 6
M_AH00407 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 7
M_AH00507 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 7
M_AH99807 - A\ Household members: age_auto 7
M_AH00607 - A\ Household members: age 7
M_AH00707 - A\ Household members: sex 7
M_AH00408 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 8
M_AH00508 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 8
M_AH99808 - A\ Household members: age_auto 8
M_AH00608 - A\ Household members: age 8
M_AH00708 - A\ Household members: sex 8
M_AH00409 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 9
M_AH00509 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 9
M_AH99809 - A\ Household members: age_auto 9
M_AH00609 - A\ Household members: age 9
M_AH00709 - A\ Household members: sex 9
M_AH00410 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 10
M_AH00510 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 10
M_AH99810 - A\ Household members: age_auto 10
M_AH00610 - A\ Household members: age 10
M_AH00710 - A\ Household members: sex 10
M_AH00411 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 11
M_AH00511 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 11
M_AH99811 - A\ Household members: age_auto 11
M_AH00611 - A\ Household members: age 11
M_AH00711 - A\ Household members: sex 11
M_AH00412 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 12
M_AH00512 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 12
M_AH99812 - A\ Household members: age_auto 12
M_AH00612 - A\ Household members: age 12
M_AH00712 - A\ Household members: sex 12
M_AH00413 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 13
M_AH00513 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 13
M_AH99813 - A\ Household members: age_auto 13
M_AH00613 - A\ Household members: age 13
M_AH00713 - A\ Household members: sex 13
M_AH00414 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 14
M_AH00514 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 14
M_AH99814 - A\ Household members: age_auto 14
M_AH00614 - A\ Household members: age 14
M_AH00714 - A\ Household members: sex 14
M_AH00415 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 15
M_AH00515 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 15
M_AH99815 - A\ Household members: age_auto 15
M_AH00615 - A\ Household members: age 15
M_AH00715 - A\ Household members: sex 15
M_AH00802 - A\ Household members: relationship 2
M_AH00902 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 2
M_AH01002 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 2
M_AH99702 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 2
M_AH01102 - A\ Household members: marital status 2
M_AH00803 - A\ Household members: relationship 3
M_AH00903 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 3
M_AH01003 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 3
M_AH99703 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 3
M_AH01103 - A\ Household members: marital status 3
M_AH00804 - A\ Household members: relationship 4
M_AH00904 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 4
M_AH01004 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 4
M_AH99704 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 4
M_AH01104 - A\ Household members: marital status 4
M_AH00805 - A\ Household members: relationship 5
M_AH00905 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 5
M_AH01005 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 5
M_AH99705 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 5
M_AH01105 - A\ Household members: marital status 5
M_AH00806 - A\ Household members: relationship 6
M_AH00906 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 6
M_AH01006 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 6
M_AH99706 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 6
M_AH01106 - A\ Household members: marital status 6
M_AH00807 - A\ Household members: relationship 7
M_AH00907 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 7
M_AH01007 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 7
M_AH99707 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 7
M_AH01107 - A\ Household members: marital status 7
M_AH00808 - A\ Household members: relationship 8
M_AH00908 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 8
M_AH01008 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 8
M_AH99708 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 8
M_AH01108 - A\ Household members: marital status 8
M_AH00809 - A\ Household members: relationship 9
M_AH00909 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 9
M_AH01009 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 9
M_AH99709 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 9
M_AH01109 - A\ Household members: marital status 9
M_AH00810 - A\ Household members: relationship 10
M_AH00910 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 10
M_AH01010 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 10
M_AH99710 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 10
M_AH01110 - A\ Household members: marital status 10
M_AH00811 - A\ Household members: relationship 11
M_AH00911 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 11
M_AH01011 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 11
M_AH99711 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 11
M_AH01111 - A\ Household members: marital status 11
M_AH00812 - A\ Household members: relationship 12
M_AH00912 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 12
M_AH01012 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 12
M_AH99712 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 12
M_AH01112 - A\ Household members: marital status 12
M_AH00813 - A\ Household members: relationship 13
M_AH00913 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 13
M_AH01013 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 13
M_AH99713 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 13
M_AH01113 - A\ Household members: marital status 13
M_AH00814 - A\ Household members: relationship 14
M_AH00914 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 14
M_AH01014 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 14
M_AH99714 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 14
M_AH01114 - A\ Household members: marital status 14
M_AH00815 - A\ Household members: relationship 15
M_AH00915 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 15
M_AH01015 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 15
M_AH99715 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 15
M_AH01115 - A\ Household members: marital status 15
M_AH01202 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 2
M_AH01302 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 2
M_AH01402 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 2
M_AH01502 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 2
M_AH01203 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 3
M_AH01303 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 3
M_AH01403 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 3
M_AH01503 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 3
M_AH01204 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 4
M_AH01304 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 4
M_AH01404 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 4
M_AH01504 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 4
M_AH01205 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 5
M_AH01305 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 5
M_AH01405 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 5
M_AH01505 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 5
M_AH01206 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 6
M_AH01306 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 6
M_AH01406 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 6
M_AH01506 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 6
M_AH01207 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 7
M_AH01307 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 7
M_AH01407 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 7
M_AH01507 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 7
M_AH01208 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 8
M_AH01308 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 8
M_AH01408 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 8
M_AH01508 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 8
M_AH01209 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 9
M_AH01309 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 9
M_AH01409 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 9
M_AH01509 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 9
M_AH01210 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 10
M_AH01310 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 10
M_AH01410 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 10
M_AH01510 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 10
M_AH01211 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 11
M_AH01311 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 11
M_AH01411 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 11
M_AH01511 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 11
M_AH01212 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 12
M_AH01312 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 12
M_AH01412 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 12
M_AH01512 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 12
M_AH01213 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 13
M_AH01313 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 13
M_AH01413 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 13
M_AH01513 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 13
M_AH01214 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 14
M_AH01314 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 14
M_AH01414 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 14
M_AH01514 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 14
M_AH01215 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 15
M_AH01315 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 15
M_AH01415 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 15
M_AH01515 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 15
M_AH01600 - A\ Reason spouse not in same household
M_AH01700 - A\ Divorce procedure running
M_AH01800 - A\ Ever divorced for the second time
M_AH99900 - A\ Factual living situation_auto
M_AH01901 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)children live with respondent
M_AH01902 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)children
M_AH01903 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)parents
M_AH01904 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)parents partner
M_AH01905 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)parents live with respondent
M_AH01906 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)parents partner live with respondent
M_AH99905 - A\ Household number
M_AH99921 - A\ New partner: ID
M_AH02000 - A\ Children outside household: presence
M_AH02100 - A\ Children outside household: number
M_AH02301 - A\ Children outside household: sex 1
M_AH02401 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 1
M_AH02501 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 1
M_AH99601 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 1
M_AH02601 - A\ Children outside household: age 1
M_AH02701 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 1
M_AH02801 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 1
M_AH02901 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 1
M_AH99501 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 1
M_AH03001 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 1
M_AH03101 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 1
M_AH03201 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 1
M_AH03301 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 1
M_AH03401 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 1
M_AH03501 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year1
M_AH03601 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age1
M_AH03701 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason1
M_AH03801 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 1
M_AH03901 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 1
M_AH02302 - A\ Children outside household: sex 2
M_AH02402 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 2
M_AH02502 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 2
M_AH99602 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 2
M_AH02602 - A\ Children outside household: age 2
M_AH02702 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 2
M_AH02802 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 2
M_AH02902 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 2
M_AH99502 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 2
M_AH03002 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 2
M_AH03102 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 2
M_AH03202 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 2
M_AH03302 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 2
M_AH03402 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 2
M_AH03502 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year2
M_AH03602 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age2
M_AH03702 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason2
M_AH03802 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 2
M_AH03902 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 2
M_AH02303 - A\ Children outside household: sex 3
M_AH02403 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 3
M_AH02503 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 3
M_AH99603 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 3
M_AH02603 - A\ Children outside household: age 3
M_AH02703 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 3
M_AH02803 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 3
M_AH02903 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 3
M_AH99503 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 3
M_AH03003 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 3
M_AH03103 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 3
M_AH03203 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 3
M_AH03303 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 3
M_AH03403 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 3
M_AH03503 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year3
M_AH03603 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age3
M_AH03703 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason3
M_AH03803 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 3
M_AH03903 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 3
M_AH02304 - A\ Children outside household: sex 4
M_AH02404 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 4
M_AH02504 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 4
M_AH99604 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 4
M_AH02604 - A\ Children outside household: age 4
M_AH02704 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 4
M_AH02804 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 4
M_AH02904 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 4
M_AH99504 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 4
M_AH03004 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 4
M_AH03104 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 4
M_AH03204 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 4
M_AH03304 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 4
M_AH03404 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 4
M_AH03504 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year4
M_AH03604 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age4
M_AH03704 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason4
M_AH03804 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 4
M_AH03904 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 4
M_AH02305 - A\ Children outside household: sex 5
M_AH02405 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 5
M_AH02505 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 5
M_AH99605 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 5
M_AH02605 - A\ Children outside household: age 5
M_AH02705 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 5
M_AH02805 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 5
M_AH02905 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 5
M_AH99505 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 5
M_AH03005 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 5
M_AH03105 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 5
M_AH03205 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 5
M_AH03305 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 5
M_AH03405 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 5
M_AH03505 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year5
M_AH03605 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age5
M_AH03705 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason5
M_AH03805 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 5
M_AH03905 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 5
M_AH02306 - A\ Children outside household: sex 6
M_AH02406 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 6
M_AH02506 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 6
M_AH99606 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 6
M_AH02606 - A\ Children outside household: age 6
M_AH02706 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 6
M_AH02806 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 6
M_AH02906 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 6
M_AH99506 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 6
M_AH03006 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 6
M_AH03106 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 6
M_AH03206 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 6
M_AH03306 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 6
M_AH03406 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 6
M_AH03506 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year6
M_AH03606 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age6
M_AH03706 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason6
M_AH03806 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 6
M_AH03906 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 6
M_AH02307 - A\ Children outside household: sex 7
M_AH02407 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 7
M_AH02507 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 7
M_AH99607 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 7
M_AH02607 - A\ Children outside household: age 7
M_AH02707 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 7
M_AH02807 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 7
M_AH02907 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 7
M_AH99507 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 7
M_AH03007 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 7
M_AH03107 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 7
M_AH03207 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 7
M_AH03307 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 7
M_AH03407 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 7
M_AH03507 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year7
M_AH03607 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age7
M_AH03707 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason7
M_AH03807 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 7
M_AH03907 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 7
M_AH02308 - A\ Children outside household: sex 8
M_AH02408 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 8
M_AH02508 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 8
M_AH99608 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 8
M_AH02608 - A\ Children outside household: age 8
M_AH02708 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 8
M_AH02808 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 8
M_AH02908 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 8
M_AH99508 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 8
M_AH03008 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 8
M_AH03108 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 8
M_AH03208 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 8
M_AH03308 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 8
M_AH03408 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 8
M_AH03508 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year8
M_AH03608 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age8
M_AH03708 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason8
M_AH03808 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 8
M_AH03908 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 8
M_AH02309 - A\ Children outside household: sex 9
M_AH02409 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 9
M_AH02509 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 9
M_AH99609 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 9
M_AH02609 - A\ Children outside household: age 9
M_AH02709 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 9
M_AH02809 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 9
M_AH02909 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 9
M_AH99509 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 9
M_AH03009 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 9
M_AH03109 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 9
M_AH03209 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 9
M_AH03309 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 9
M_AH03409 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 9
M_AH03509 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year9
M_AH03609 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age9
M_AH03709 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason9
M_AH03809 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 9
M_AH03909 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 9
M_AH02310 - A\ Children outside household: sex 10
M_AH02410 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 10
M_AH02510 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 10
M_AH99610 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 10
M_AH02610 - A\ Children outside household: age 10
M_AH02710 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 10
M_AH02810 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 10
M_AH02910 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 10
M_AH99510 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 10
M_AH03010 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 10
M_AH03110 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 10
M_AH03210 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 10
M_AH03310 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 10
M_AH03410 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 10
M_AH03510 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year10
M_AH03610 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age10
M_AH03710 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason10
M_AH03810 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 10
M_AH03910 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 10
M_AH04000 - A\ Deceased children: presence
M_AH04100 - A\ Deceased children: number
M_AH04301 - A\ Deceased children: sex 1
M_AH04401 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 1
M_AH04501 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 1
M_AH04601 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 1
M_AH04701 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 1
M_AH04801 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year1
M_AH04901 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 1
M_AH05001 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 1
M_AH04302 - A\ Deceased children: sex 2
M_AH04402 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 2
M_AH04502 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 2
M_AH04602 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 2
M_AH04702 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 2
M_AH04802 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year2
M_AH04902 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 2
M_AH05002 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 2
M_AH04303 - A\ Deceased children: sex 3
M_AH04403 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 3
M_AH04503 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 3
M_AH04603 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 3
M_AH04703 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 3
M_AH04803 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year3
M_AH04903 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 3
M_AH05003 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 3
M_AH04304 - A\ Deceased children: sex 4
M_AH04404 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 4
M_AH04504 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 4
M_AH04604 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 4
M_AH04704 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 4
M_AH04804 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year4
M_AH04904 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 4
M_AH05004 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 4
M_AH04305 - A\ Deceased children: sex 5
M_AH04405 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 5
M_AH04505 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 5
M_AH04605 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 5
M_AH04705 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 5
M_AH04805 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year5
M_AH04905 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 5
M_AH05005 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 5
M_AH05100 - A\ Housing: ownership current address
M_AH05200 - A\ Housing: perceived quality
M_AH05300 - A\ Housing: perceived size
M_AH05401 - A\ Housing: amount rent
M_AH05402 - A\ Housing: amount rent_time unit
M_AH05500 - A\ Housing: ownership other address
M_AH05600 - A\ Housing: mortgage
M_AH05701 - A\ Housing: amount mortgage
M_AH05702 - A\ Housing: amount mortgage_time unit
M_AH99906 - A\ Number of (grand-)children in household
M_AH99907 - A\ Number of children in household
M_AH99908 - A\ Number of persons < 12 years old in household
M_AH99909 - A\ Partner in household
M_AH99910 - A\ Partner in household: sex
M_AH99911 - A\ Partner in household: age
M_AH99912 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent in household
M_AH99913 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent outside household
M_AH99914 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent
M_AH99915 - A\ Mother of respondent in household
M_AH99916 - A\ Father of respondent in household
M_AH99917 - A\ Mother-in-law of respondent in household
M_AH99918 - A\ Father-in-law of respondent in household
M_AH99919 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of partner in household
M_AP00100 - A\ Leaving parental home: date_month
M_AP00200 - A\ Leaving parental home: date_year
M_AP00300 - A\ Leaving parental home: age
M_AP00400 - A\ Parents: ever married
M_AP00500 - A\ Parents: ever cohabitated unmarried
M_AP00600 - A\ Parents: ever divorced
M_AP00700 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_month
M_AP00800 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_year
M_AP00900 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_age
M_AP01000 - A\ Mother: still alive
M_AP01100 - A\ Mother: date of decease_month
M_AP01200 - A\ Mother: date of decease_year
M_AP01300 - A\ Mother: date of birth_month
M_AP01400 - A\ Mother: date of birth_year
M_AP01500 - A\ Mother: age
M_AP01600 - A\ Mother: age of decease
M_AP01700 - A\ Mother: educational level
M_AP01800 - A\ Mother: Belgian nationality
M_AP01900 - A\ Mother: other nationality
M_AP02000 - A\ Father: still alive
M_AP02100 - A\ Father: date of decease_month
M_AP02200 - A\ Father: date of decease_year
M_AP02300 - A\ Father: date of birth_month
M_AP02400 - A\ Father: date of birth_year
M_AP02500 - A\ Father: age
M_AP02600 - A\ Father: age of decease
M_AP02700 - A\ Father: educational level
M_AP02800 - A\ Father: Belgian nationality
M_AP02900 - A\ Father: other nationality
M_AP03000 - A\ Siblings: number
M_AP03100 - A\ Siblings: number ever married
M_AP03200 - A\ Siblings: number ever divorced
M_AY99901 - A\ TC: type
M_AY99903 - A\ TC: age
M_AY99904 - A\ TC: sex
M_AY99905 - A\ TC: household component
M_AY99906 - A\ TC: household number
M_AY99907 - A\ TC: selected
M_AY00001 - A\ TC: control living situation_inside household
M_AY00003 - A\ TC: control living situation_outside household
M_AY00002 - A\ TC: current living situation
M_AY99908 - A\ TC: change in living situation
M_AY00100 - A\ TC: permission_i1
M_AY00201 - A\ TC: reason no permission_burden_i1
M_AY00202 - A\ TC: reason no permission_difficulties with divorce_i1
M_AY00203 - A\ TC: reason no permission_sick_i1
M_AY00204 - A\ TC: reason no permission_holiday_i1
M_AY00205 - A\ TC: reason no permission_disabled_i1
M_AY00206 - A\ TC: reason no permission_lost contact_i1
M_AY00207 - A\ TC: reason no permission_other_i1
M_AY00300 - A\ TC: objection ex-partner_i1
M_AY99909 - A\ TC: status contact for interview_i1
M_AY00400 - A\ TC: willing to give address_i1
M_AY00507 - A\ TC: address_complete_i1
M_AY00601 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_health_i1
M_AY00602 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_difficult with divorce_i1
M_AY00603 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_burden_i1
M_AY00604 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_language_i1
M_AY00605 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_abroad_i1
M_AY00606 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_lost contact_i1
M_AY00607 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_other_i1
M_AY00700 - A\ TC: permission_i2
M_AY00801 - A\ TC: reason no permission_burden_i2
M_AY00802 - A\ TC: reason no permission_difficulties with divorce_i2
M_AY00803 - A\ TC: reason no permission_sick_i2
M_AY00804 - A\ TC: reason no permission_holiday_i2
M_AY00805 - A\ TC: reason no permission_disabled_i2
M_AY00806 - A\ TC: reason no permission_lost contact_i2
M_AY00807 - A\ TC: reason no permission_other_i2
M_AY99910 - A\ TC: status contact for interview_i2
M_AY00900 - A\ TC: willing to give address_i2
M_AY01007 - A\ TC: address_complete_i2
M_AY01101 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_health_i2
M_AY01102 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_difficult with divorce_i2
M_AY01103 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_burden_i2
M_AY01104 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_language_i2
M_AY01105 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_abroad_i2
M_AY01106 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_lost contact_i2
M_AY01107 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_other_i2
M_AY99911 - A\ Parent: scenario
M_AY99912 - A\ Parent: type of recipient
M_AY99913 - A\ Parent: household component
M_AY99914 - A\ Parent: ID
M_AY01200 - A\ Parent: willing to give address
M_AY99915 - A\ Parent: status cooperation
M_AY01401 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_health
M_AY01402 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_burden
M_AY01403 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_language
M_AY01404 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_living abroad
M_AY01405 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_lost contact
M_AY01406 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_other
M_AR00100 - A\ Before first marriage: cohabitated with other partners
M_AR00200 - A\ Before first marriage: cohabitated with other partners_number
M_AR00500 - A\ First marriage: date of birth_month (ex-)spouse
M_AR00600 - A\ First marriage: date of birth_year (ex-)spouse
M_AR00700 - A\ First marriage: age (ex-)spouse
M_AR00800 - A\ First marriage: sex (ex-)spouse
M_AR00900 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_month
M_AR01000 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_year
M_AR01100 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_age
M_AR01200 - A\ First marriage: ever cohabitated unmarried
M_AR01300 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_month
M_AR01400 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_year
M_AR01500 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_age
M_AR01600 - A\ First marriage: cohabitation agreement
M_AR01800 - A\ First marriage: date civil marriage_month
M_AR01900 - A\ First marriage: date civil marriage_year
M_AR02000 - A\ First marriage: civil marriage_age
M_AR02100 - A\ First marriage: type of agreement
M_AR02200 - A\ First marriage: religious ceremony
M_AR02301 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_pregnancy
M_AR02302 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_surrounding people
M_AR02303 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_confirmation
M_AR02304 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_fertility plans
M_AR02305 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_children
M_AR02306 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_practical
M_AR02307 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_escape parental home
M_AR02401 - A\ First marriage: children of (ex-)spouse outside household
M_AR02402 - A\ First marriage: children of (ex-)spouse in household
M_AR02501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 1
M_AR02701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 1
M_AR02801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 1
M_AR02901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 1
M_AR08501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 1
M_AR03001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 1
M_AR03101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 1
M_AR03201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 1
M_AR03301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 1
M_AR03401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 1
M_AR03501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 1
M_AR03601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 1
M_AR03701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 1
M_AR03901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 1
M_AR04001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 1
M_AR04101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 1
M_AR04201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 1
M_AR04301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 1
M_AR04401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 1
M_AR04501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 1
M_AR04601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 1
M_AR08601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 1
M_AR04701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 1
M_AR04801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 1
M_AR04901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 1
M_AR05001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 1
M_AR05101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 1
M_AR05201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 1
M_AR05301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 1
M_AR05401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 1
M_AR05501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 1
M_AR05601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 1
M_AR05701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 1
M_AR05801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 1
M_AR02502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 2
M_AR02702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 2
M_AR02802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 2
M_AR02902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 2
M_AR08502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 2
M_AR03002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 2
M_AR03102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 2
M_AR03202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 2
M_AR03302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 2
M_AR03402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 2
M_AR03502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 2
M_AR03602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 2
M_AR03702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 2
M_AR03902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 2
M_AR04002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 2
M_AR04102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 2
M_AR04202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 2
M_AR04302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 2
M_AR04402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 2
M_AR04502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 2
M_AR04602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 2
M_AR08602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 2
M_AR04702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 2
M_AR04802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 2
M_AR04902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 2
M_AR05002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 2
M_AR05102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 2
M_AR05202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 2
M_AR05302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 2
M_AR05402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 2
M_AR05502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 2
M_AR05602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 2
M_AR05702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 2
M_AR05802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 2
M_AR02503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 3
M_AR02703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 3
M_AR02803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 3
M_AR02903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 3
M_AR08503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 3
M_AR03003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 3
M_AR03103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 3
M_AR03203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 3
M_AR03303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 3
M_AR03403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 3
M_AR03503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 3
M_AR03603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 3
M_AR03703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 3
M_AR03903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 3
M_AR04003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 3
M_AR04103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 3
M_AR04203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 3
M_AR04303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 3
M_AR04403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 3
M_AR04503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 3
M_AR04603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 3
M_AR08603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 3
M_AR04703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 3
M_AR04803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 3
M_AR04903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 3
M_AR05003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 3
M_AR05103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 3
M_AR05203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 3
M_AR05303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 3
M_AR05403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 3
M_AR05503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 3
M_AR05603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 3
M_AR05703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 3
M_AR05803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 3
M_AR02504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 4
M_AR02704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 4
M_AR02804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 4
M_AR02904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 4
M_AR08504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 4
M_AR03004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 4
M_AR03104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 4
M_AR03204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 4
M_AR03304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 4
M_AR03404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 4
M_AR03504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 4
M_AR03604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 4
M_AR03704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 4
M_AR03904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 4
M_AR04004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 4
M_AR04104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 4
M_AR04204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 4
M_AR04304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 4
M_AR04404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 4
M_AR04504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 4
M_AR04604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 4
M_AR08604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 4
M_AR04704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 4
M_AR04804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 4
M_AR04904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 4
M_AR05004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 4
M_AR05104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 4
M_AR05204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 4
M_AR05304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 4
M_AR05404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 4
M_AR05504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 4
M_AR05604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 4
M_AR05704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 4
M_AR05804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 4
M_AR02505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 5
M_AR02705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 5
M_AR02805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 5
M_AR02905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 5
M_AR08505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 5
M_AR03005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 5
M_AR03105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 5
M_AR03205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 5
M_AR03305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 5
M_AR03405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 5
M_AR03505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 5
M_AR03605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 5
M_AR03705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 5
M_AR03905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 5
M_AR04005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 5
M_AR04105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 5
M_AR04205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 5
M_AR04305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 5
M_AR04405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 5
M_AR04505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 5
M_AR04605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 5
M_AR08605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 5
M_AR04705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 5
M_AR04805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 5
M_AR04905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 5
M_AR05005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 5
M_AR05105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 5
M_AR05205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 5
M_AR05305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 5
M_AR05405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 5
M_AR05505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 5
M_AR05605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 5
M_AR05705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 5
M_AR05805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 5
M_AR02506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 6
M_AR02706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 6
M_AR02806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 6
M_AR02906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 6
M_AR08506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 6
M_AR03006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 6
M_AR03106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 6
M_AR03206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 6
M_AR03306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 6
M_AR03406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 6
M_AR03506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 6
M_AR03606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 6
M_AR03706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 6
M_AR03906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 6
M_AR04006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 6
M_AR04106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 6
M_AR04206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 6
M_AR04306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 6
M_AR04406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 6
M_AR04506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 6
M_AR04606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 6
M_AR08606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 6
M_AR04706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 6
M_AR04806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 6
M_AR04906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 6
M_AR05006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 6
M_AR05106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 6
M_AR05206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 6
M_AR05306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 6
M_AR05406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 6
M_AR05506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 6
M_AR05606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 6
M_AR05706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 6
M_AR05806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 6
M_AR02507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 7
M_AR02707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 7
M_AR02807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 7
M_AR02907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 7
M_AR08507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 7
M_AR03007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 7
M_AR03107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 7
M_AR03207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 7
M_AR03307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 7
M_AR03407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 7
M_AR03507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 7
M_AR03607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 7
M_AR03707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 7
M_AR03907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 7
M_AR04007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 7
M_AR04107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 7
M_AR04207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 7
M_AR04307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 7
M_AR04407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 7
M_AR04507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 7
M_AR04607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 7
M_AR08607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 7
M_AR04707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 7
M_AR04807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 7
M_AR04907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 7
M_AR05007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 7
M_AR05107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 7
M_AR05207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 7
M_AR05307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 7
M_AR05407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 7
M_AR05507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 7
M_AR05607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 7
M_AR05707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 7
M_AR05807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 7
M_AR02508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 8
M_AR02708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 8
M_AR02808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 8
M_AR02908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 8
M_AR08508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 8
M_AR03008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 8
M_AR03108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 8
M_AR03208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 8
M_AR03308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 8
M_AR03408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 8
M_AR03508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 8
M_AR03608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 8
M_AR03708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 8
M_AR03908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 8
M_AR04008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 8
M_AR04108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 8
M_AR04208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 8
M_AR04308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 8
M_AR04408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 8
M_AR04508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 8
M_AR04608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 8
M_AR08608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 8
M_AR04708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 8
M_AR04808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 8
M_AR04908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 8
M_AR05008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 8
M_AR05108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 8
M_AR05208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 8
M_AR05308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 8
M_AR05408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 8
M_AR05508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 8
M_AR05608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 8
M_AR05708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 8
M_AR05808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 8
M_AR02509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 9
M_AR02709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 9
M_AR02809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 9
M_AR02909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 9
M_AR08509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 9
M_AR03009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 9
M_AR03109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 9
M_AR03209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 9
M_AR03309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 9
M_AR03409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 9
M_AR03509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 9
M_AR03609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 9
M_AR03709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 9
M_AR03909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 9
M_AR04009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 9
M_AR04109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 9
M_AR04209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 9
M_AR04309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 9
M_AR04409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 9
M_AR04509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 9
M_AR04609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 9
M_AR08609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 9
M_AR04709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 9
M_AR04809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 9
M_AR04909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 9
M_AR05009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 9
M_AR05109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 9
M_AR05209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 9
M_AR05309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 9
M_AR05409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 9
M_AR05509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 9
M_AR05609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 9
M_AR05709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 9
M_AR05809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 9
M_AR02710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 10
M_AR02810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 10
M_AR02910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 10
M_AR08510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 10
M_AR03010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 10
M_AR03110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 10
M_AR03210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 10
M_AR03310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 10
M_AR03410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 10
M_AR03510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 10
M_AR03610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 10
M_AR03710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 10
M_AR03910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 10
M_AR04010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 10
M_AR04110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 10
M_AR04210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 10
M_AR04310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 10
M_AR04410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 10
M_AR04510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 10
M_AR04610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 10
M_AR08610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 10
M_AR04710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 10
M_AR04810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 10
M_AR04910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 10
M_AR05010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 10
M_AR05110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 10
M_AR05210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 10
M_AR05310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 10
M_AR05410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 10
M_AR05510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 10
M_AR05610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 10
M_AR05710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 10
M_AR05810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 10
M_AR99901 - A\ New partner: age
M_AR99902 - A\ New partner: sex
M_AR99905 - A\ Partner reference marriage: age
M_AR99906 - A\ Partner reference marriage: sex
M_AR05900 - A\ Partner reference marriage: educational level
M_AR06000 - A\ New partner: educational level
M_AR06101 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: good relationship
M_AR06102 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: stable relationship
M_AR06103 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: strong relationship
M_AR06104 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: happy
M_AR06105 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: team with partner
M_AR06200 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: degree of happiness_current relationship
M_AR06301 - A\ Communication with partner: daily problems
M_AR06302 - A\ Communication with partner: interests
M_AR06303 - A\ Communication with partner: daily events
M_AR06401 - A\ Support from partner: work or education
M_AR06402 - A\ Support from partner: worries or health problems
M_AR06403 - A\ Support from partner: leisure time activities and social contacts
M_AR06404 - A\ Support from partner: practical things
M_AR06405 - A\ Support from partner: personal matters
M_AR06501 - A\ Conflict intensity: blame each other
M_AR06502 - A\ Conflict intensity: yelling or screaming
M_AR06503 - A\ Conflict intensity: physical violence
M_AR06504 - A\ Conflict intensity: throw or break things
M_AR06505 - A\ Conflict intensity: not want to talk to each other for a while
M_AR06601 - A\ Conflict issues: managing finances
M_AR06602 - A\ Conflict issues: leisure time
M_AR06603 - A\ Conflict issues: expression of feelings
M_AR06604 - A\ Conflict issues: friends
M_AR06605 - A\ Conflict issues: sexual life
M_AR06606 - A\ Conflict issues: parents (-in-law)
M_AR06607 - A\ Conflict issues: household tasks
M_AR06608 - A\ Conflict issues: work
M_AR06609 - A\ Conflict issues: raising children
M_AR06610 - A\ Conflict issues: alcohol usage
M_AR06701 - A\ Conflict resolution: each had their say
M_AR06702 - A\ Conflict resolution: thinking 'here we go again'
M_AR06703 - A\ Conflict resolution: able to resolve problems
M_AR06704 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments stay unresolved
M_AR06705 - A\ Conflict resolution: days pass without resolving differences
M_AR06706 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments get stuck
M_AR06707 - A\ Conflict resolution: better ways needed
M_AR06708 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments resolved quickly
M_AR06800 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_ever
M_AR06900 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help
M_AR07001 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship therapist
M_AR07002 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychologist
M_AR07003 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_family doctor
M_AR07004 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychiatrist
M_AR07005 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship mediator
M_AR07006 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_CAW
M_AR07007 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_other
M_AR07100 - A\ Divorce mediation: ever heard of
M_AR07201 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_notary
M_AR07202 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_sollicitor
M_AR07203 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_justice of the peace
M_AR07204 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_Centre for General Welfare
M_AR07205 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_Public Welfare Centre
M_AR07206 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_internet
M_AR07207 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_newpaper_tv
M_AR07208 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_partner
M_AR07209 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_family
M_AR07210 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_friends
M_AR07211 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_other
M_AR07301 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: family
M_AR07302 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends
M_AR07303 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: family partner
M_AR07304 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends partner
M_AR07305 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: mutual friends
M_AR07400 - A\ Relationship in trouble in the past 12 months
M_AR07500 - A\ Thinking about separation in the past 12 months
M_AR07601 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_financial situation
M_AR07602 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_work
M_AR07603 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_housing
M_AR07604 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_health
M_AR07605 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_quality of relationship
M_AR07606 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_children
M_AR07607 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_friends and family
M_AR07700 - A\ Marriage: divorce chance
M_AR07800 - A\ Fertility: intentions_next three years
M_AR07900 - A\ Fertility: intentions_ever
M_AR08000 - A\ Fertility: ideal number of children
M_AR08100 - A\ Fertility: planned number of children
M_AR08200 - A\ Fertility: agreement with partner
M_AR08300 - A\ Fertility: intensity of conflict with partner
M_AR08400 - A\ Fertility: fertility problem
M_AV00101 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage outdated
M_AV00102 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: unmarried cohabitation all right
M_AV00103 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage is lifetime
M_AV00104 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: divorce unhappy marriage allright even when childre
M_AV00105 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: women needs children to be fulllfilled
M_AV00106 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: men needs children to be fullfilled
M_AV00107 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child needs both mother and father at home
M_AV00108 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: single motherhood all right
M_AV00109 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child age 18+ needs to live independently
M_AV00110 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: homoseksuals equal rights
M_AN00101 - A\ New partner: personal contact_frequency
M_AN00102 - A\ New partner: personal contact_time unit
M_AN00201 - A\ New partner: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN00202 - A\ New partner: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN00301 - A\ New partner: distance_hours
M_AN00302 - A\ New partner: distance_minutes
M_AN00401 - A\ Mother: personal contact_frequency
M_AN00402 - A\ Mother: personal contact_time unit
M_AN00501 - A\ Mother: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN00502 - A\ Mother: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN00601 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_distance
M_AN00602 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_she does not want to
M_AN00603 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN00604 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN00605 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN00606 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN00607 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_never met her
M_AN00608 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_other
M_AN00701 - A\ Mother: distance_hours
M_AN00702 - A\ Mother: distance_minutes
M_AN00800 - A\ Mother: quality of relationship
M_AN00900 - A\ Mother: help with personal care
M_AN01001 - A\ Father: personal contact_frequency
M_AN01002 - A\ Father: personal contact_time unit
M_AN01101 - A\ Father: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN01102 - A\ Father: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN01201 - A\ Father: reason no contact_distance
M_AN01202 - A\ Father: reason no contact_he does not want to
M_AN01203 - A\ Father: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN01204 - A\ Father: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN01205 - A\ Father: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN01206 - A\ Father: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN01207 - A\ Father: reason no contact_never met him
M_AN01208 - A\ Father: reason no contact_other
M_AN01301 - A\ Father: distance_hours
M_AN01302 - A\ Father: distance_minutes
M_AN01400 - A\ Father: quality of relationship
M_AN01500 - A\ Father: help with personal care
M_AN01600 - A\ Mother-in-law: still alive
M_AN01701 - A\ Mother-in-law: personal contact_frequency
M_AN01702 - A\ Mother-in-law: personal contact_time unit
M_AN01801 - A\ Mother-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN01802 - A\ Mother-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN01901 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_AN01902 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_she does not want to
M_AN01903 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN01904 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN01905 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN01906 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN01907 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_never met her
M_AN01908 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_AN02001 - A\ Mother-in-law: distance_hours
M_AN02002 - A\ Mother-in-law: distance_minutes
M_AN02100 - A\ Mother-in-law: quality of relationship
M_AN02200 - A\ Father-in-law: still alive
M_AN02301 - A\ Father-in-law: personal contact_frequency
M_AN02302 - A\ Father-in-law: personal contact_time unit
M_AN02401 - A\ Father-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN02402 - A\ Father-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN02501 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_AN02502 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_he does not want to
M_AN02503 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN02504 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN02505 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN02506 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN02507 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_never met him
M_AN02508 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_AN02601 - A\ Father-in-law: distance_hours
M_AN02602 - A\ Father-in-law: distance_minutes
M_AN02700 - A\ Father-in-law: quality of relationship
M_AN02800 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: still alive
M_AN02900 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: in household
M_AN03001 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: personal contact_frequency
M_AN03002 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: personal contact_time unit
M_AN03101 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN03102 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN03201 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_AN03202 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_she does not want to
M_AN03203 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN03204 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN03205 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN03206 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN03207 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_never met her
M_AN03208 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_AN03301 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: distance_hours
M_AN03302 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: distance_minutes
M_AN03400 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: quality of relationship
M_AN03500 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: still alive
M_AN03600 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: in household
M_AN03701 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: personal contact_frequency
M_AN03702 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: personal contact_time unit
M_AN03801 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN03802 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN03901 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_AN03902 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_he does not want to
M_AN03903 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN03904 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN03905 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN03906 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN03907 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_never met him
M_AN03908 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_AN04001 - A\ Ex-father-in-law:distance_hours
M_AN04002 - A\ Ex-father-in-law:distance_minutes
M_AN04100 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: quality of relationship
M_AN04201 - A\ TC: personal contact_frequency
M_AN04202 - A\ TC: personal contact_time unit
M_AN04301 - A\ TC: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AN04302 - A\ TC: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AN04401 - A\ TC: reason no contact_distance
M_AN04402 - A\ TC: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_AN04403 - A\ TC: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AN04404 - A\ TC: reason no contact_partner does not want to
M_AN04405 - A\ TC: reason no contact_conflict
M_AN04406 - A\ TC: reason no contact_contact not allowed
M_AN04407 - A\ TC: reason no contact_lost contact
M_AN04408 - A\ TC: reason no contact_other
M_AN04501 - A\ TC: distance_hours
M_AN04502 - A\ TC: distance_minutes
M_AN04601 - A\ TC: quality of relationship
M_AN04602 - A\ TC: date last contact_month
M_AN04603 - A\ TC: date last contact_year
M_AV00201 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: grandparents take care of grandchildren
M_AV00202 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents support children financially
M_AV00203 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents should adapt their lifestyle
M_AV00204 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children take care of parents
M_AV00205 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children adapt their working life
M_AV00206 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: daughters take care of parents
M_AV00207 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: sons take care of parents
M_AV00208 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children support parents financially
M_AV00209 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children let parents live in
M_AA00100 - A\ Educational level
M_AA00200 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_month
M_AA00300 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_year
M_AA00400 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_age
M_AA00500 - A\ Ever paid job
M_AA00600 - A Activity status
M_AA00701 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_month
M_AA00801 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_year
M_AA00901 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_age
M_AA01001 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 1
M_AA01101 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 1
M_AA01201 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 1
M_AA01301 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 1
M_AA00702 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 2
M_AA00802 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 2
M_AA00902 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 2
M_AA01002 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 2
M_AA01102 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 2
M_AA01202 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 2
M_AA01302 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 2
M_AA00703 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 3
M_AA00803 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 3
M_AA00903 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 3
M_AA01003 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 3
M_AA01103 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 3
M_AA01203 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 3
M_AA01303 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 3
M_AA00704 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 4
M_AA00804 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 4
M_AA00904 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 4
M_AA01004 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 4
M_AA01104 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 4
M_AA01204 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 4
M_AA01304 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 4
M_AA00705 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 5
M_AA00805 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 5
M_AA00905 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 5
M_AA01005 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 5
M_AA01105 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 5
M_AA01205 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 5
M_AA01305 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 5
M_AA00706 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 6
M_AA00806 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 6
M_AA00906 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 6
M_AA01006 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 6
M_AA01106 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 6
M_AA01206 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 6
M_AA01306 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 6
M_AA00707 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 7
M_AA00807 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 7
M_AA00907 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 7
M_AA01007 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 7
M_AA01107 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 7
M_AA01207 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 7
M_AA01307 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 7
M_AA00708 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 8
M_AA00808 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 8
M_AA00908 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 8
M_AA01008 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 8
M_AA01108 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 8
M_AA01208 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 8
M_AA01308 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 8
M_AA00709 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 9
M_AA00809 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 9
M_AA00909 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 9
M_AA01009 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 9
M_AA01109 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 9
M_AA01209 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 9
M_AA01309 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 9
M_AA00710 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 10
M_AA00810 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 10
M_AA00910 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 10
M_AA01010 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 10
M_AA01110 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 10
M_AA01210 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 10
M_AA01310 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 10
M_AA00711 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 11
M_AA00811 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 11
M_AA00911 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 11
M_AA01011 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 11
M_AA01111 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 11
M_AA01211 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 11
M_AA01311 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 11
M_AA00712 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 12
M_AA00812 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 12
M_AA00912 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 12
M_AA01012 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 12
M_AA01112 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 12
M_AA01212 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 12
M_AA01312 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 12
M_AA00713 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 13
M_AA00813 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 13
M_AA00913 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 13
M_AA01013 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 13
M_AA01113 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 13
M_AA01213 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 13
M_AA01313 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 13
M_AA00714 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 14
M_AA00814 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 14
M_AA00914 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 14
M_AA01014 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 14
M_AA01114 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 14
M_AA01214 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 14
M_AA01314 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 14
M_AA00715 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 15
M_AA00815 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 15
M_AA00915 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 15
M_AA01015 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 15
M_AA01115 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 15
M_AA01215 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 15
M_AA01315 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 15
M_AA01400 - A\ Current job: name
M_AA01500 - A\ Current job: description
M_AA01600 - A\ Current job: categorie
M_AA01700 - A\ Current job: supervising
M_AA01801 - A\ Work-family balance: too tired for household work
M_AA01802 - A\ Work-family balance: lack of time for family responsibilities
M_AA01803 - A\ Work-family balance: too tired for work
M_AA01804 - A\ Work-family balance: lack of concentration for work
M_AA01901 - A\ Current job: invested time weekly_hours
M_AA01902 - A\ Current job: invested time weekly_minutes
M_AA02000 - A\ Income_personal
M_AA02100 - A\ Income_household
M_AA02201 - A\ Household facilities: DVD-player
M_AA02202 - A\ Household facilities: internet access
M_AA02203 - A\ Household facilities: car
M_AA02204 - A\ Household facilities: computer
M_AA02205 - A\ Household facilities: dish washer
M_AA02206 - A\ Household facilities: washing machine
M_AA02207 - A\ Household facilities: microwave oven
M_AA02301 - A\ Problems with payments: gas or electricity
M_AA02302 - A\ Problems with payments: doctor or dentist
M_AA02303 - A\ Problems with payments: rent
M_AA02304 - A\ Problems with payments: mortgage
M_AA02400 - A\ Subjective perception of income
M_AT00101 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_preparing daily meals
M_AT00201 - A \ Task division: help_preparing daily meals
M_AT00102 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_dishes
M_AT00202 - A \ Task division: help_dishes
M_AT00103 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_shopping for food
M_AT00203 - A \ Task division: help_shopping for food
M_AT00104 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_ironing
M_AT00204 - A \ Task division: help_ironing
M_AT00105 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_cleaning
M_AT00205 - A \ Task division: help_cleaning
M_AT00106 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_small repairs in house
M_AT00206 - A \ Task division: help_small repairs in house
M_AT00107 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_gardening
M_AT00207 - A \ Task division: help_gardening
M_AT00108 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_finances
M_AT00208 - A \ Task division: help_finances
M_AT00109 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_joint social activities
M_AT00209 - A \ Task division: help_joint social activities
M_AT00300 - A \ Task division: perception fairness
M_AT00401 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_playing
M_AT00501 - A\ Task division children: help_playing
M_AT00402 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_getting up at night
M_AT00502 - A\ Task division children: help_getting up at night
M_AT00403 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_dressing
M_AT00503 - A\ Task division children: help_dressing
M_AT00404 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_feeding
M_AT00504 - A\ Task division children: help_feeding
M_AT00601 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_preparing daily meals
M_AT00602 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_dishes
M_AT00603 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_shopping for food
M_AT00604 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_ironing
M_AT00605 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_cleaning
M_AT00606 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_small repairs in house
M_AT00607 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_gardening
M_AT00608 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_finances
M_AT00609 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_social activities
M_AT00701 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_playing
M_AT00702 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_getting up at night
M_AT00703 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_dressing
M_AT00704 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_feeding
M_AT00801 - A\ Formal child care: day care_frequency
M_AT00901 - A\ Formal child care: day care_time unit
M_AT00802 - A\ Formal child care: school_frequency
M_AT00902 - A\ Formal child care: school_time unit
M_AT00803 - A\ Formal child care: babysit_frequency
M_AT00903 - A\ Formal child care: babysit_time unit
M_AT00804 - A\ Formal child care: au pair_frequency
M_AT00904 - A\ Formal child care: au pair_time unit
M_AT01000 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support regularly
M_AT01101 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1
M_AT01102 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2
M_AT01103 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3
M_AT01104 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4
M_AT01105 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5
M_AT01201 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1_frequency
M_AT01301 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1_time unit
M_AT01202 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2_frequency
M_AT01302 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2_time unit
M_AT01203 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3_frequency
M_AT01303 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3_time unit
M_AT01204 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4_frequency
M_AT01304 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4_time unit
M_AT01205 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5_frequency
M_AT01305 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5_time unit
M_AV00301 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: mother-child relationship
M_AV00302 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: working mother_consequences child
M_AV00303 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: desires women
M_AV00304 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: independency women
M_AV00305 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: household income
M_AV00306 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: fathers raising children
M_AV00307 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: emotions men
M_AV00308 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: working father_consequences child
M_AV00309 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: child with mother after divorce
M_AV00310 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: houseman/wife
M_AD00100 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of birth_month
M_AD00200 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of birth_year
M_AD00300 - A\ Ex-spouse: still alive
M_AD00400 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of decease_month
M_AD00500 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of decease_year
M_AD00602 - A\ Ex-spouse: age
M_AD00700 - A\ Ex-spouse: educational level
M_AD00800 - A\ Ex-spouse: living togheter with new partner
M_AD00901 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_number of months
M_AD00902 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_number of years
M_AD01000 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_age
M_AD01100 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help
M_AD01201 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship therapist
M_AD01202 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychologist
M_AD01203 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_family doctor
M_AD01204 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychiatrist
M_AD01205 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_mediation
M_AD01206 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_CAW
M_AD01207 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_other
M_AD01300 - A\ Who started talking about breaking up
M_AD01400 - A\ Who took decision to break up
M_AD01500 - A\ Who started legal process of divorce
M_AD01601 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: in near future
M_AD01602 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: hoping for a reconciliation
M_AD01603 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: I did not want to
M_AD01604 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: partner did not want to
M_AD01605 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: legal procedures
M_AD01606 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: children
M_AD01607 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: financial reasons
M_AD01608 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: professional reasons
M_AD01609 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: negative reactions others
M_AD01610 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: religion
M_AD01611 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: other
M_AD01700 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_month
M_AD01800 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_year
M_AD01900 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_age
M_AD02000 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_who left dwelling
M_AD02100 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_new living place
M_AD02200 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_owner dwelling
M_AD02300 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_division dwelling
M_AD02400 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_month
M_AD02500 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_year
M_AD02600 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_age
M_AD02701 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 1
M_AD02702 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 2
M_AD02703 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 3
M_AD02800 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: ever heard of
M_AD02901 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_notary
M_AD02902 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_sollicitor
M_AD02903 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_justice of the peace
M_AD02904 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_Centre for General Welfare
M_AD02905 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_Public Welfare Centre
M_AD02906 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_internet
M_AD02907 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_newpaper_tv
M_AD02908 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_partner
M_AD02909 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_family
M_AD02910 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_friends
M_AD02911 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation: channel_other
M_AD03000 - A\ Ever divorced: visit a mediatior
M_AD03100 - A\ Ever divorced: considered visititing a mediatior
M_AD03201 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_price
M_AD03202 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_no mediator
M_AD03203 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_partner did not want to
M_AD03204 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_to do our selves
M_AD03205 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_other help
M_AD03206 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_opinion others
M_AD03207 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_other
M_AD03300 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_when
M_AD03400 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_inititiative
M_AD03500 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_type
M_AD03600 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_sex
M_AD03700 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_children
M_AD03800 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_agreement
M_AD03900 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_satisfaction agreement
M_AD04000 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_general satisfaction
M_AD04100 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_number of sessions
M_AD04200 - A\ Divorce ruling: date_month
M_AD04300 - A\ Divorce ruling: date_year
M_AD04501 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_mutual consent
M_AD04502 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_de facto seperation
M_AD04503 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_de facto seperation by mental disorder
M_AD04504 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_adultery
M_AD04505 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_excesses, physical or mental cruelty
M_AD04506 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_irretrievable breakdown
M_AD04600 - A\ Divorce ruling: years of factual seperation
M_AD04700 - A\ Conflict after decision to break up
M_AD04800 - A\ Divorce ruling: perception fairness division of goods
M_AD04900 - A\ Alimony: ever entitled
M_AD05000 - A\ Alimony: de facto arrangement
M_AD05100 - A\ Alimony for respondent: ever entitled
M_AD05200 - A\ Alimony for respondent: de facto arrangement
M_AD05300 - A\ Alimony for respondent: legal amount
M_AD05400 - A\ Alimony for respondent: frequency
M_AD05500 - A\ Alimony for respondent: punctuality
M_AD05600 - A\ Alimony for respondent: received agreed amount
M_AD05700 - A\ Alimony for respondent: amount received
M_AD05800 - A\ Alimony for respondent: ever took steps to claim
M_AD05901 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_solve myselve
M_AD05902 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_principle
M_AD05903 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_did not know
M_AD05904 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_price
M_AD05905 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_not necessary
M_AD05906 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_other
M_AD06000 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: ever entitled
M_AD06100 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: de facto arrangement
M_AD06200 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: legal amount
M_AD06300 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: frequency
M_AD06400 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: punctuality
M_AD06500 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: received agreed amount
M_AD06600 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: amount received
M_AD06700 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: ever took steps to claim
M_AD06800 - A\ Alimony for children_received: ever entitled
M_AD06900 - A\ Alimony for children_received: de facto arrangement
M_AD07000 - A\ Alimony for children_received: legal amount
M_AD07100 - A\ Alimony for children_received: frequency
M_AD07200 - A\ Alimony for children_received: punctuality
M_AD07300 - A\ Alimony for children_received: received agreed amount
M_AD07400 - A\ Alimony for children_received: amount received
M_AD07500 - A\ Alimony for children_received: ever took steps to claim
M_AD07601 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_solve myselve
M_AD07602 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_principle
M_AD07603 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_did not know
M_AD07604 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_price
M_AD07605 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_not necessary
M_AD07606 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_other
M_AD07700 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: ever entitled
M_AD07800 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: de facto arrangement
M_AD07900 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: legal amount
M_AD08000 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: frequency
M_AD08100 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: punctuality
M_AD08200 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: paid agreed amount
M_AD08300 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: amount paid
M_AD08400 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: ever took steps to claim
M_AD08501 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Send a registerd letter
M_AD08502 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Take a lawyer
M_AD08503 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Go to court
M_AD08504 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Contact a bailiff
M_AD08505 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Contact the police
M_AD08506 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Applied to DAVO (Alimony Claims Service)
M_AD08507 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Other
M_AD08600 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Common account
M_AD08701 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Clothes and shoes
M_AD08702 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Doctor�s visits and medication
M_AD08703 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Membership of a club, expenses for hobbies
M_AD08704 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Expenses for school and education
M_AD08705 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Mobile phone
M_AD08706 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Glasses, dental braces�
M_AD08800 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever heard of
M_AD08901 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Notary
M_AD08902 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A lawyer
M_AD08903 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A justice of peace
M_AD08904 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A Center for General Welfare
M_AD08905 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The Public Welfare Center
M_AD08906 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The internet
M_AD08907 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The newspaper or TV
M_AD08908 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_My partner
M_AD08909 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Family
M_AD08910 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Acquaintances
M_AD08911 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Other
M_AD09000 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever call upon the Alimony Claims Service
M_AD09101 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Procedure started
M_AD09102 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Advance payments
M_AD09103 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Refusal
M_AD09104 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_No decision yet
M_AD09105 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Other
M_AD09201 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Not necesarry
M_AD09202 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Wanted to solve problem themselve
M_AD09203 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_ Didn�t know how
M_AD09204 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Didn�t meet the conditions
M_AD09205 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_ Service didn�t exist yet
M_AD09206 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Other
M_AD09300 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever procedure against respondent
M_AD09400 - A\ Parental authority TC after divorce: shared parental authority
M_AD14300 - A\ Parental authority TC after divorce: co-parenting arrangement
M_AD09501 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: never with respondent
M_AD09502 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: permanently with respondent
M_AD09503 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: never with ex- spouse
M_AD09504 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation:permanently with ex- spouse
M_AD09505 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
M_AD09506 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: at home and respondent moved in and out
M_AD09507 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
M_AD09508 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: no set arrangement/ child decided
M_AD09601 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD09602 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD09603 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD09604 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD09605 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD09606 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD09607 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD09608 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD09609 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD09610 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD09611 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD09612 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD09613 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD09614 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD09615 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD09616 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD09617 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD09618 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD09619 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD09620 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD09621 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD09622 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD09623 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD09624 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD09625 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD09626 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD09627 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD09628 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD09629 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD09630 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD09631 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD09632 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD09633 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD09634 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD09635 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD09636 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD09637 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD09638 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD09639 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD09640 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD09641 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD09642 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD09643 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD09644 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD09645 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD09646 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD09647 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD09648 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD09649 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD09650 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD09651 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD09652 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD09653 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD09654 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD09655 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD09656 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD09701 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD09702 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD09703 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD09704 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD09705 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD09706 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD09707 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD09708 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD09709 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD09710 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD09711 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD09712 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD09713 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD09714 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD09715 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD09716 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD09717 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD09718 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD09719 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD09720 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD09721 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD09722 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD09723 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD09724 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD09725 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD09726 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD09727 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD09728 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD09729 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD09730 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD09731 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD09732 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD09733 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD09734 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD09735 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD09736 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD09737 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD09738 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD09739 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD09740 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD09741 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD09742 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD09743 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD09744 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD09745 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD09746 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD09747 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD09748 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD09749 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD09750 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD09751 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD09752 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD09753 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD09754 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD09755 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD09756 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD09800 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation:When not with respondent or ex-spouse
M_AD09900 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: diversion legal agreement
M_AD10000 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: subjective perception
M_AD10100 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: TC involved
M_AD10200 - A\ Living arrangement TC: first change
M_AD10300 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: age TC
M_AD10400 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change:TC involved
M_AD10501 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: never with respondent
M_AD10502 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: permanently with respondent
M_AD10503 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: never with ex-spouse
M_AD10504 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: permanently with ex-spouse
M_AD10505 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
M_AD10506 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: at home and respondent moved in and out
M_AD10507 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
M_AD10508 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: no set arrangement/ child decided
M_AD10601 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD10602 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD10603 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD10604 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD10605 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD10606 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD10607 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD10608 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD10609 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD10610 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD10611 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD10612 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD10613 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD10614 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD10615 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD10616 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD10617 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD10618 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD10619 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD10620 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD10621 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD10622 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD10623 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD10624 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD10625 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD10626 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD10627 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD10628 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD10629 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD10630 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD10631 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD10632 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD10633 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD10634 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD10635 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD10636 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD10637 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD10638 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD10639 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD10640 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD10641 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD10642 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD10643 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD10644 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD10645 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD10646 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD10647 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD10648 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD10649 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD10650 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD10651 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD10652 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD10653 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD10654 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD10655 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD10656 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD10701 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD10702 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD10703 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD10704 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD10705 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD10706 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD10707 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD10708 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD10709 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD10710 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD10711 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD10712 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD10713 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD10714 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD10715 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD10716 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD10717 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD10718 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD10719 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD10720 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD10721 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD10722 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD10723 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD10724 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD10725 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD10726 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD10727 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD10728 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD10729 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD10730 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD10731 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD10732 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD10733 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD10734 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD10735 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD10736 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD10737 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD10738 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD10739 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD10740 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD10741 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD10742 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD10743 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD10744 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD10745 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD10746 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD10747 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD10748 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD10749 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD10750 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD10751 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD10752 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD10753 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD10754 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD10755 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD10756 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD10800 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
M_AD10900 - A\ Living arrangement TC: second change
M_AD11000 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: age TC
M_AD11100 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change:TC involved
M_AD11201 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: never with respondent
M_AD11202 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: permanently with respondent
M_AD11203 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: never with ex-spouse
M_AD11204 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: permanently with ex-spouse
M_AD11205 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
M_AD11206 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: at home and respondent moved in and out
M_AD11207 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
M_AD11208 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: no set arrangement/ child decided
M_AD11301 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD11302 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD11303 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD11304 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD11305 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD11306 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD11307 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD11308 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD11309 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD11310 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD11311 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD11312 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD11313 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD11314 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD11315 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD11316 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD11317 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD11318 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD11319 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD11320 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD11321 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD11322 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD11323 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD11324 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD11325 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD11326 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD11327 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD11328 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD11329 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD11330 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD11331 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD11332 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD11333 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD11334 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD11335 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD11336 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD11337 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD11338 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD11339 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD11340 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD11341 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD11342 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD11343 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD11344 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD11345 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD11346 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD11347 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD11348 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD11349 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD11350 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD11351 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD11352 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD11353 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD11354 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD11355 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD11356 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD11401 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD11402 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD11403 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD11404 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD11405 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD11406 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD11407 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD11408 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD11409 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD11410 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD11411 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD11412 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD11413 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD11414 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD11415 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD11416 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD11417 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD11418 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD11419 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD11420 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD11421 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD11422 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD11423 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD11424 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD11425 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD11426 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD11427 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD11428 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD11429 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD11430 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD11431 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD11432 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD11433 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD11434 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD11435 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD11436 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD11437 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD11438 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD11439 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD11440 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD11441 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD11442 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD11443 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD11444 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD11445 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD11446 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD11447 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD11448 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD11449 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD11450 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD11451 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD11452 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD11453 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD11454 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD11455 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD11456 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD11500 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
M_AD11600 - A\ Living arrangement TC: third change
M_AD11700 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: age TC
M_AD11800 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change:TC involved
M_AD11901 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: never with respondent
M_AD11902 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: permanently with respondent
M_AD11903 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: never with ex-spouse
M_AD11904 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: permanently with ex-spouse
M_AD11905 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
M_AD11906 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: at home and respondent moved in and out
M_AD11907 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
M_AD11908 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: no set arrangement/ child decided
M_AD12001 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD12002 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD12003 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD12004 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD12005 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD12006 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD12007 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD12008 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD12009 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD12010 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD12011 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD12012 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD12013 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD12014 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD12015 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD12016 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD12017 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD12018 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD12019 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD12020 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD12021 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD12022 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD12023 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD12024 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD12025 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD12026 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD12027 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD12028 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD12029 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD12030 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD12031 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD12032 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD12033 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD12034 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD12035 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD12036 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD12037 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD12038 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD12039 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD12040 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD12041 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD12042 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD12043 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD12044 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD12045 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD12046 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD12047 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD12048 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD12049 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD12050 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD12051 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD12052 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD12053 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD12054 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD12055 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD12056 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD12101 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD12102 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD12103 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD12104 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD12105 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD12106 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD12107 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD12108 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD12109 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD12110 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD12111 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD12112 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD12113 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD12114 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD12115 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD12116 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD12117 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD12118 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD12119 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD12120 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD12121 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD12122 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD12123 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD12124 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD12125 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD12126 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD12127 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD12128 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD12129 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD12130 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD12131 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD12132 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD12133 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD12134 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD12135 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD12136 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD12137 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD12138 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD12139 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD12140 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD12141 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD12142 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD12143 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD12144 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD12145 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD12146 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD12147 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD12148 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD12149 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD12150 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD12151 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD12152 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD12153 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD12154 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD12155 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD12156 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD12200 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
M_AD12300 - A\ Living arrangement TC: fourth change
M_AD12400 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: age TC
M_AD12500 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change:TC involved
M_AD12601 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: never with respondent
M_AD12602 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: permanently with respondent
M_AD12603 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: never with ex-spouse
M_AD12604 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: permanently with ex-spouse
M_AD12605 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
M_AD12606 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: at home and respondent moved in and out
M_AD12607 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
M_AD12608 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: no set arrangement/ child decided
M_AD12701 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD12702 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD12703 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD12704 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD12705 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD12706 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD12707 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD12708 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD12709 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD12710 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD12711 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD12712 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD12713 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD12714 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD12715 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD12716 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD12717 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD12718 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD12719 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD12720 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD12721 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD12722 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD12723 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD12724 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD12725 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD12726 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD12727 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD12728 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD12729 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD12730 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD12731 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD12732 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD12733 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD12734 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD12735 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD12736 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD12737 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD12738 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD12739 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD12740 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD12741 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD12742 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD12743 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD12744 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD12745 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD12746 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD12747 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD12748 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD12749 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD12750 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD12751 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD12752 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD12753 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD12754 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD12755 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD12756 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD12801 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
M_AD12802 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
M_AD12803 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
M_AD12804 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
M_AD12805 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
M_AD12806 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
M_AD12807 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
M_AD12808 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
M_AD12809 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
M_AD12810 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
M_AD12811 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
M_AD12812 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
M_AD12813 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
M_AD12814 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
M_AD12815 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
M_AD12816 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
M_AD12817 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
M_AD12818 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
M_AD12819 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
M_AD12820 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
M_AD12821 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
M_AD12822 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
M_AD12823 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
M_AD12824 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
M_AD12825 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
M_AD12826 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
M_AD12827 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
M_AD12828 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
M_AD12829 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
M_AD12830 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
M_AD12831 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
M_AD12832 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
M_AD12833 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
M_AD12834 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
M_AD12835 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
M_AD12836 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
M_AD12837 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
M_AD12838 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
M_AD12839 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
M_AD12840 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
M_AD12841 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
M_AD12842 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
M_AD12843 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
M_AD12844 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
M_AD12845 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
M_AD12846 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
M_AD12847 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
M_AD12848 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
M_AD12849 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
M_AD12850 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
M_AD12851 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
M_AD12852 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
M_AD12853 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
M_AD12854 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
M_AD12855 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
M_AD12856 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
M_AD12900 - A\ Living arrangement TC fourth change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
M_AD13000 - A\ Living arrangement TC: ever call upon a bailiff or the police
M_AD99901 - A\ Living arrangement TC: number of changes
M_AD99902 - A\ Living arrangement TC: current (partially) living with respondent
M_AD13101 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse one year before separation: Blame each other
M_AD13102 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse one year before separation: Yell or scream
M_AD13103 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse one year before separation: Use physical violence
M_AD13104 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse one year before separation: Throw or break things deliberately
M_AD13105 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse one year before separation: Not want to talk to each other for a while
M_AD13200 - A\ Relationship quality one year before separation: degree of happiness
M_AD13301 - A\ Current feelings toward divorce: regret
M_AD13302 - A\ Current feelings toward divorce: relief
M_AD13303 - A\ Current feelings toward divorce: release
M_AD13304 - A\ Current feelings toward divorce: resentment
M_AD13401 - A\ Ex-partner: personal contact_frequency
M_AD13402 - A\ Ex-partner: personal contact_time unit
M_AD13501 - A\ Ex-partner: non-personal contact_frequency
M_AD13502 - A\ Ex-partner: non-personal contact_time unit
M_AD13601 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_distance
M_AD13602 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_AD13603 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_AD13604 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_conflict
M_AD13605 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_contact waned
M_AD13606 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_restraining order
M_AD13607 - A\ Ex-partner: reason no contact_other
M_AD13701 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_divorce
M_AD13702 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_family meetings
M_AD13703 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_friends
M_AD13704 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_going out together
M_AD13705 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_sex
M_AD13706 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_drop off and pick up the children
M_AD13707 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_PTA meeting in school
M_AD13708 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_problems with raising the children
M_AD13709 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_financial problems
M_AD13710 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_activities of children
M_AD13711 - A\ Ex-partner: reason contact_other
M_AD13801 - A\ Ex-partner: quality of relationship
M_AD13802 - A\ Ex-partner: date last contact_month
M_AD13803 - A\ Ex-partner: date last contact_year
M_AD13804 - A\ Ex-partner: last contact_age
M_AD13901 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: still considers his/herself wife/husband to former spouse
M_AD13902 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: feels comfortable to call his/herself divorced person
M_AD13903 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: upset when imagines former spouse with another man/woman
M_AD13904 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: wonders where former is and what s/he is doing.
M_AD13905 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse:will always be attached to my former spouse.
M_AD13906 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse:gets former spouse�s advice about important personal decisions
M_AD13907 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: hopes to be reunited with former spouse
M_AD13908 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: hopes that relationship with former spouse will improve
M_AD13909 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: feels competent performing the household or outside tasks that former spouse used to do
M_AD13910 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: feels guilty about dating
M_AD13911 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: feels completely recovered from divorce
M_AD13912 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: still considers some members of former spouse�s family to be part of family
M_AD13913 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: feels incapable of establishing meaningful relationships with another man/woman
M_AD13914 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: find his/herself asking former spouse for advice about the areas s/he used to handle
M_AD13915 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: often wonders what former spouse�s opinion or comment would be
M_AD13916 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: discuss new relationships with ex-spouse
M_AD13917 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: children and respondent are able to talk about former spouse without becoming emotionally upset
M_AD13918 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: worries that children feel caught in the middle
M_AD13919 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: agree on how to share the responsibilities of parenting
M_AD13920 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: children are aware of the facts and are reconciled to the divorce
M_AD13921 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: having difficulty discussing financial matters involving the children
M_AD13922 - A\ Ambiguity relationship ex-spouse: It feels like a complete family when the children and respondent are together without former spouse
M_AD14001 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse last year: Blame each other
M_AD14002 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse last year: Yell or scream
M_AD14003 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse last year: Use physical violence
M_AD14004 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse last year Throw or break things deliberately
M_AD14005 - A\ Conflict with ex-spouse last year: Not want to talk to each other for a while
M_AD14101 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: best for respondent
M_AD14102 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: best for children
M_AD14103 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: detrimental for children
M_AD14104 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: dissapproved
M_AD14105 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: attempt reconciliation
M_AD14106 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: refused to discuss divorce
M_AD14107 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: shared your opinion
M_AD14108 - A\ Reaction family on divorce: shared opinion ex-spouse
M_AD14201 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: housing conditions
M_AD14202 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: neighbourhood
M_AD14203 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: employment opportunities
M_AD14204 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: financial situation
M_AD14205 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: relationship with TC
M_AD14206 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: welfare of TC
M_AD14207 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: relationship with ex-spouse
M_AD14208 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: relationship with family
M_AD14209 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: relationship with ex-family-in-law
M_AD14210 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: social life
M_AD14211 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: sex life
M_AD14212 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: personal freedom
M_AD14213 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: opinion people
M_AD14214 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: health
M_AD14215 - A\ Comparison situation before separation: feelings of self worth
M_AC00101 - A\ Attitude parenting: finest task a person can wish for
M_AC00102 - A\ Attitude parenting: rewarding task
M_AC00103 - A\ Attitude parenting: find yourself in your child(ren).
M_AC00104 - A\ Attitude parenting: always put the child first
M_AC00105 - A\ Attitude parenting: prevents me from doing things which are important to myself
M_AC00106 - A\ Attitude parenting: cannot plan life as you want it
M_AC00107 - A\ Attitude parenting: too little opportunity to do different and new things.
M_AC00108 - A\ Attitude parenting: plans for the future must be adjusted continually.
M_AC00109 - A\ Attitude parenting: a lot more problems than expected
M_AC00110 - A\ Attitude parenting: harder than I thought
M_AC00111 - A\ Attitude parenting: frequently causes problems
M_AC00201 - A\ Relationship with TC: openly shows affection for me
M_AC00202 - A\ Relationship with TC: topics avoids discussing
M_AC00203 - A\ Relationship with TC: satisfied with how we talk together.
M_AC00204 - A\ Relationship with TC: easy to discuss problems
M_AC00205 - A\ Relationship with TC: easy to express feelings
M_AC00206 - A\ Relationship with TC: TC says things that would be better left unsaid
M_AC00207 - A\ Relationship with TC: constantly nagging/bothering
M_AC00208 - A\ Relationship with TC: insult
M_AC00209 - A\ Relationship with TC: I say things that would be better left unsaid
M_AC00301 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: after school
M_AC00302 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: let me know if too late
M_AC00303 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: with who
M_AC00304 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: at night
M_AC00305 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: plans
M_AC00306 - A\ Monitoring social life TC: destination
M_AC00401 - A\ Activities with/for TC: talking about problems
M_AC00402 - A\ Activities with/for TC: inviting friends
M_AC00403 - A\ Activities with/for TC: helping with homework
M_AC00404 - A\ Activities with/for TC: going out
M_AC00405 - A\ Activities with/for TC: leisure activities
M_AC00406 - A\ Activities with/for TC: transport
M_AC00407 - A\ Activities with/for TC: staying at home when sick
M_AC00408 - A\ Activities with/for TC: parent meetings at school
M_AC00501 - A\ Cooperation with (ex-)partner education:
M_AC00502 - A\ Cooperation with (ex-)partner education: important decisions
M_AC00503 - A\ Cooperation with (ex-)partner education: fight
M_AW00100 - A\ Life satisfaction
M_AW00201 - A\ Self esteem: person of worth
M_AW00202 - A\ Self esteem: good qualities
M_AW00203 - A\ Self esteem: failure
M_AW00204 - A\ Self esteem: able to do things as well as most other people
M_AW00205 - A\ Self esteem: notmuch to be proud of
M_AW00206 - A\ Self esteem: positive attitude
M_AW00207 - A\ Self esteem: satisfied
M_AW00208 - A\ Self esteem: respect
M_AW00209 - A\ Self esteem: useless
M_AW00210 - A\ Self esteem: no good at all
M_AW00301 - A\ Fear: Unable to relax
M_AW00302 - A\ Fear: Feeling nervous
M_AW00303 - A\ Fear: Easily being agitated
M_AW00304 - A\ Fear: Feeling terrified or afraid
M_AW00401 - A\ Depression: felt depressed
M_AW00402 - A\ Depression:everything was an effort
M_AW00403 - A\ Depression: restless sleep
M_AW00404 - A\ Depression: happy
M_AW00405 - A\ Depression: lonely
M_AW00406 - A\ Depression: enjoyed life
M_AW00407 - A\ Depression: sad
M_AW00408 - A\ Depression: not �get going�
M_AW00501 - A\ Mastery: no way to solve problems
M_AW00502 - A\ Mastery: Sometimes I feel that I�m being pushed around in life
M_AW00503 - A\ Mastery: little control over the things that happen to me
M_AW00504 - A\ Mastery:� helpless
M_AW00505 - A\ Mastery: pushed around in life
M_AW00506 - A\ Mastery: what happens mostly depends on me
M_AW00507 - A\ Mastery: really set my mind
M_AW00600 - A\ First period_age
M_AW00700 - A\ General health condition
M_AW00800 - A\ Long-term health problems: presence
M_AW00900 - A\ Long-term health problems: date diagnosis_month
M_AW01000 - A\ Long-term health problems: date diagnosis_year
M_AW01100 - A\ Long-term health problems: date diagnosis_age
M_AW01201 - A\ Physical complaints: pain in the back
M_AW01202 - A\ Physical complaints: stomach and intestinal complaints
M_AW01203 - A\ Physical complaints: headache
M_AW01204 - A\ Physical complaints: aches in your chest or heart region
M_AW01205 - A\ Physical complaints: aches in nape or shoulders
M_AW01206 - A\ Physical complaints: aching muscles in the limbs
M_AW01207 - A\ Physical complaints: dragging fatigue
M_AW01208 - A\ Physical complaints: tingling or stunned feeling in the limbs
M_AW01301 - A\ Drug use: sleep-inducing drugs
M_AW01302 - A\ Drug use: Sedatives
M_AW01303 - A\ Drug use: Antidepressants
M_AW01304 - A\ Drug use: Psychostimulantia
M_AW01305 - A\ Drug use: Soft drugs
M_AW01306 - A\ Drug use: XTC
M_AW01307 - A\ Drug use: Consciousness-expending drugs
M_AW01308 - A\ Drug use: Hard drugs
M_AW01309 - A\ Drug use: None of these
M_AW01400 - A\ Alcohol consumtion: last 6 months
M_AW01500 - A\ Alcohol consumtion: more then 6 glasses a day in last 6 months
M_AW01601 - A\ Alcohol consumtion: attitude_cheers up
M_AW01602 - A\ Alcohol consumtion: attitude_feel better
M_AW01603 - A\ Alcohol consumtion: attitude_self-confidence
M_AW01700 - A\ TC: general health condition
M_AS00101 - A\ Professional help use for TC:� General practitioner
M_AS00102 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�(Child) psychiatrist
M_AS00103 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Other physician
M_AS00104 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Psychologist
M_AS00105 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Educationalist
M_AS00106 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Alternative medical practitioner
M_AS00107 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�No one
M_AS00201 - A\ Professional help use for TC:� General practitioner_frequency
M_AS00301 - A\ Professional help use for TC:� General practitioner_help
M_AS00202 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�(Child) psychiatrist_frequency
M_AS00302 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�(Child) psychiatrist_help
M_AS00203 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Other physician_frequency
M_AS00303 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Other physician_help
M_AS00204 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Psychologist_frequency
M_AS00304 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Psychologist_help
M_AS00205 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Educationalist_frequency
M_AS00305 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Educationalist_help
M_AS00206 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Alternative medical practitioner_frequency
M_AS00306 - A\ Professional help use for TC:�Alternative medical practitioner_help
M_AS00400 - A\ professional help for TC: ever
M_AS00501 - A\ Satisfaction professional help TC: expensive
M_AS00502 - A\ Satisfaction professional help TC: sufficient care providers
M_AS00503 - A\ Satisfaction professional help TC: well-acquainted
M_AS00504 - A\ Satisfaction professional help TC: difficulties
M_AS00600 - A\ Days spend in hospital
M_AS00701 - A\ Service use: Parent support services
M_AS00702 - A\ Service use: Family and relationship services
M_AS00703 - A\ Service use: Centre for Mental Health Care
M_AS00704 - A\ Service use: Home help or homecare
M_AS00705 - A\ Service use: Victim support services
M_AS00706 - A\ Service use: Legal services
M_AS00707 - A\ Service use: Social services
M_AS00708 - A\ Service use: Self-help group
M_AS00709 - A\ Service use: Telephone assistance
M_AS00710 - A\ Service use: None of these
M_AS00801 - A\ Service use: Parent support services_frequency
M_AS00901 - A\ Service use: Parent support services_help
M_AS00802 - A\ Service use: Family and relationship services_frequency
M_AS00902 - A\ Service use: Family and relationship services_help
M_AS00803 - A\ Service use: Centre for Mental Health Care_frequency
M_AS00903 - A\ Service use: Centre for Mental Health Care_help
M_AS00804 - A\ Service use: Home help or homecare_frequency
M_AS00904 - A\ Service use: Home help or homecare_help
M_AS00805 - A\ Service use: Victim support services_frequency
M_AS00905 - A\ Service use: Victim support services_help
M_AS00806 - A\ Service use: Legal services_frequency
M_AS00906 - A\ Service use: Legal services_help
M_AS00807 - A\ Service use: Social services_frequency
M_AS00907 - A\ Service use: Social services_help
M_AS00808 - A\ Service use: Self-help group_frequency
M_AS00908 - A\ Service use: Self-help group_help
M_AS00809 - A\ Service use: Telephone assistance_frequency
M_AS00909 - A\ Service use: Telephone assistance_help
M_AS01001 - A\ Professional help use:� General practitioner
M_AS01002 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychiatrist
M_AS01003 - A\ Professional help use:�Other physician
M_AS01004 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychologist
M_AS01005 - A\ Professional help use:�Educationalist
M_AS01006 - A\ Professional help use:�Alternative medical practitioner
M_AS01007 - A\ Professional help use:�No one
M_AS01101 - A\ Professional help use:� General practitioner_frequency
M_AS01201 - A\ Professional help use:� General practitioner_help
M_AS01102 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychiatrist_frequency
M_AS01202 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychiatrist_help
M_AS01103 - A\ Professional help use:�Other physician_frequency
M_AS01203 - A\ Professional help use:�Other physician_help
M_AS01104 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychologist_frequency
M_AS01204 - A\ Professional help use:�Psychologist_help
M_AS01105 - A\ Professional help use:�Educationalist_frequency
M_AS01205 - A\ Professional help use:�Educationalist_help
M_AS01106 - A\ Professional help use:�Alternative medical practitioner_frequency
M_AS01206 - A\ Professional help use:�Alternative medical practitioner_help
M_AS01300 - A\ Thought of seeking professional help
M_AS01401 - A\ Reason no professional help: problem would get better by itself
M_AS01402 - A\ Reason no professional help: I wanted to handle the problem on my own
M_AS01403 - A\ Reason no professional help: unsure about where to go and who to see
M_AS01404 - A\ Reason no professional help: concerned about what people would think
M_AS01405 - A\ Reason no professional help: could not get an appointment
M_AS01406 - A\ Reason no professional help: concerned about how much it would cost
M_AS01407 - A\ Reason no professional help: I didn�t find the time
M_AS01408 - A\ Reason no professional help:I didn�t dare to take the step
M_AS01501 - A\ Satisfaction professional help: miss someone who directs me to the right care
M_AS01502 - A\ Satisfaction professional help: difficulties finding the right care
M_AS01503 - A\ Satisfaction professional help: sufficient care providers I can get help from
M_AS01504 - A\ Satisfaction professional help: sent from pillar to post
M_AN04701 - A\ Activities: sports
M_AN04702 - A\ Activities: cultural activities
M_AN04703 - A\ Activities: going out
M_AN04704 - A\ Activities: amusement parc, zoo, �
M_AN04705 - A\ Activities: day trips
M_AN04706 - A\ Activities: TV, DVD, music
M_AN04707 - A\ Activities: computer
M_AN04801 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_collegeaus
M_AN04802 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_friends
M_AN04803 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_neighbourghood
M_AN04804 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_family
M_AN04805 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_family partner
M_AN04806 - A\ Frequency meeting other people_family partner
M_AN04900 - A\ Satisfaction social life
M_AN05000 - A\ Visit website information or advice divorce: frequency
M_AN05100 - A\ Common network partners: visit friends
M_AN05200 - A\ Common network partners: shared friends
M_AN05301 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_partner
M_AN05302 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_ex-partner
M_AN05303 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_mother
M_AN05304 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_father
M_AN05305 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_children
M_AN05306 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_brother
M_AN05307 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_sister
M_AN05308 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_mother-in-law
M_AN05309 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_father-in-law
M_AN05310 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_other family
M_AN05311 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_family of ex-partner
M_AN05312 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_neighbours
M_AN05313 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_colleague
M_AN05314 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_friends
M_AN05315 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_family doctor or therapist
M_AN05316 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_other
M_AN05317 - A\ Receiving support: personal conversation_nobody
M_AN05400 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters
M_AN05501 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_partner
M_AN05502 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_ex-partner
M_AN05503 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_mother
M_AN05504 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_father
M_AN05505 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_children
M_AN05506 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_brother
M_AN05507 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_sister
M_AN05508 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_mother-in-law
M_AN05509 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_father-in-law
M_AN05510 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_other family
M_AN05511 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_family of ex-partner
M_AN05512 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_neighbours
M_AN05513 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_colleague
M_AN05514 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_friends
M_AN05515 - A\ Receiving support: practical matters_other
M_AN05600 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money
M_AN05701 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_partner
M_AN05702 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_ex-partner
M_AN05703 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_mother
M_AN05704 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_father
M_AN05705 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_children
M_AN05706 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_brother
M_AN05707 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_sister
M_AN05708 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_mother-in-law
M_AN05709 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_father-in-law
M_AN05710 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_other family
M_AN05711 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_family of ex-partner
M_AN05712 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_neighbours
M_AN05713 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_colleague
M_AN05714 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_friends
M_AN05715 - A\ Receiving support: valuable goods or money_other
M_AN05801 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_partner
M_AN05802 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_ex-partner
M_AN05803 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_mother
M_AN05804 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_father
M_AN05805 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_children
M_AN05806 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_brother
M_AN05807 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_sister
M_AN05808 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_mother-in-law
M_AN05809 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_father-in-law
M_AN05810 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_other family
M_AN05811 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_family of ex-partner
M_AN05812 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_neighbours
M_AN05813 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_colleague
M_AN05814 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_friends
M_AN05815 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_other
M_AN05816 - A\ Giving support: personal conversation_nobody
M_AN05900 - A\ Giving support: practical matters
M_AN06001 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_partner
M_AN06002 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_ex-partner
M_AN06003 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_mother
M_AN06004 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_father
M_AN06005 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_children
M_AN06006 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_brother
M_AN06007 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_sister
M_AN06008 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_mother-in-law
M_AN06009 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_father-in-law
M_AN06010 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_other family
M_AN06011 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_family of ex-partner
M_AN06012 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_neighbours
M_AN06013 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_colleague
M_AN06014 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_friends
M_AN06015 - A\ Giving support: practical matters_other
M_AN06100 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money
M_AN06201 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_partner
M_AN06202 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_ex-partner
M_AN06203 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_mother
M_AN06204 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_father
M_AN06205 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_children
M_AN06206 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_brother
M_AN06207 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_sister
M_AN06208 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_mother-in-law
M_AN06209 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_father-in-law
M_AN06210 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_other family
M_AN06211 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_family of ex-partner
M_AN06212 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_neighbours
M_AN06213 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_colleague
M_AN06214 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_friends
M_AN06215 - A\ Giving support: valuable goods or money_other
M_AN06301 - A\ Having fun with_partner
M_AN06302 - A\ Having fun with_ex-partner
M_AN06303 - A\ Having fun with_mother
M_AN06304 - A\ Having fun with_father
M_AN06305 - A\ Having fun with_children
M_AN06306 - A\ Having fun with_brother
M_AN06307 - A\ Having fun with_sister
M_AN06308 - A\ Having fun with_mother-in-law
M_AN06309 - A\ Having fun with_father-in-law
M_AN06310 - A\ Having fun with_other family
M_AN06311 - A\ Having fun with_family of ex-partner
M_AN06312 - A\ Having fun with_neighbours
M_AN06313 - A\ Having fun with_colleague
M_AN06314 - A\ Having fun with_friend
M_AN06315 - A\ Having fun with_other family
M_AN06316 - A\ Having fun with_nobody
M_AN06401 - A\ Conflict: with_nobody
M_AN06402 - A\ Conflict: with_partner
M_AN06403 - A\ Conflict: with_ex-partner
M_AN06404 - A\ Conflict: with_mother
M_AN06405 - A\ Conflict: with_father
M_AN06406 - A\ Conflict: with_children
M_AN06407 - A\ Conflict: with_brother
M_AN06408 - A\ Conflict: with_sister
M_AN06409 - A\ Conflict: with_mother-in-law
M_AN06410 - A\ Conflict: with_father-in-law
M_AN06411 - A\ Conflict: with_other family
M_AN06412 - A\ Conflict: with_family ex-partner
M_AN06413 - A\ Conflict: with_neighbours
M_AN06414 - A\ Conflict: with_colleague
M_AN06415 - A\ Conflict: with_friends
M_AN06416 - A\ Conflict: with_family doctor or therapist
M_AN06417 - A\ Conflict: with_other
M_AN06500 - A\ Receiving support_satisfaction_family-in-law
M_AN06600 - A\ Receiving support_satisfaction_family
M_AN06701 - A\ Loneliness: emptiness
M_AN06702 - A\ Loneliness: plenty people to rely on
M_AN06703 - A\ Loneliness: many people I can trust
M_AN06704 - A\ Loneliness: enough people close
M_AN06705 - A\ Loneliness: missing people around
M_AN06706 - A\ Loneliness: feeling rejected
M_AV00400 - A\ Religion: religion or denomination
M_AV00500 - A\ Religion: religiousness
M_AV00600 - A\ Religion: attend religious services
M_AV00701 - A\ Attitude role government: oblige mediation
M_AV00702 - A\ Attitude role government: say children in living arrangement
M_AV00703 - A\ Attitude role government: relationship child and stepparent
M_AV00704 - A\ Attitude role government: age adapted alimony
M_AF99901 - A\ Respondent enters questions F him/herself
M_AF00101 - A\ Personality: talkative
M_AF00102 - A\ Personality: criticism of other people
M_AF00103 - A\ Personality: thorough job
M_AF00104 - A\ Personality: depressed, blue
M_AF00105 - A\ Personality: original
M_AF00106 - A\ Personality: reserved
M_AF00107 - A\ Personality: helpful
M_AF00108 - A\ Personality: careless
M_AF00109 - A\ Personality: relaxed
M_AF00110 - A\ Personality: curious for different things
M_AF00111 - A\ Personality: full of energy
M_AF00112 - A\ Personality: quickly quarreling
M_AF00113 - A\ Personality: reliable worker
M_AF00114 - A\ Personality: tense
M_AF00115 - A\ Personality: ingenious
M_AF00116 - A\ Personality: enthousiastic
M_AF00117 - A\ Personality: forgiving
M_AF00118 - A\ Personality: disorganized
M_AF00119 - A\ Personality: worries a lot
M_AF00120 - A\ Personality: active imagination
M_AF00121 - A\ Personality: quiet
M_AF00122 - A\ Personality: trusting
M_AF00123 - A\ Personality: lazy
M_AF00124 - A\ Personality: emotionally stable
M_AF00125 - A\ Personality: inventive
M_AF00126 - A\ Personality: assertive
M_AF00127 - A\ Personality: cold and aloof
M_AF00128 - A\ Personality: perseveres until task is finished
M_AF00129 - A\ Personality: moody
M_AF00130 - A\ Personality: values artistic, aesthetic experiences
M_AF00131 - A\ Personality: shy
M_AF00132 - A\ Personality: kind and thoughtful
M_AF00133 - A\ Personality: does things efficiently
M_AF00134 - A\ Personality: remains calm
M_AF00135 - A\ Personality: preferes routine work
M_AF00136 - A\ Personality: outgoing, sociable
M_AF00137 - A\ Personality: rude
M_AF00138 - A\ Personality: makes plans and continues them
M_AF00139 - A\ Personality: easily nervous
M_AF00140 - A\ Personality: likes to reflect
M_AF00141 - A\ Personality: few artistic interests
M_AF00142 - A\ Personality: likes to coperate with others
M_AF00143 - A\ Personality: easily distracted
M_AF00144 - A\ Personality: sophisticated in art, music or literature
M_AY01500 - A\ Evaluation interview by respondent
M_AY01600 - A\ Partner reference marriage: willing to give address
M_AY01700 - A\ Partner reference marriage: when to reach_day
M_AY01800 - A\ Partner reference marriage: when to reach_month
M_AY01900 - A\ Partner reference marriage: when to reach_year
M_AY02101 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_health
M_AY02102 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_burden
M_AY02103 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_language
M_AY02104 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_living abroad
M_AY02105 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_lost contact
M_AY02106 - A\ Partner reference marriage: reason no permission_other
M_AY99916 - A\ Version questionnaire parent
M_AY99917 - A\ Version questionnaire non-resident target child
M_AY99918 - A\ Version questionnaire new partners
M_AY02202 - A \ New partner: ID
M_AY02201 - A\ New partner: hand-over questionnaire
M_AY02301 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_health
M_AY02302 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_burden
M_AY02303 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_language
M_AY02304 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_abroad
M_AY02305 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_lost contact
M_AY02306 - A\ New partner: reason no permission_other
M_AY02600 - A\ New partner: agreement on questionnaire
M_AY02701 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_duration
M_AY02702 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_content
M_AY02703 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_method
M_AY02704 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_survey research in general
M_AY02705 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_multi-actor design
M_AY02706 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_other
M_AY02800 - A\ New partner: reason refusion_description other
M_AY02900 - A\ New partner: reason not capable
M_AX01000 - A\ Re-contact for follow-up
M_AX01100 - A \ Receive report first results
M_AX99909 - A\ timing interview: date_auto
M_AY99919 - A\ Rank TC in household grid and grid non-resident children
M_AH99920 - A\ Change of factual living situation in i2
M_AX99901 - A\ Marriage status_root
M_AX99902 - A\ BASE_ refers to reference marriage
M_AX99903 - A\ INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT _ refers to person in household
M_AR99908 - A\ Age at start of first marriage
M_AD99904 - A\ Age at legal divorce
M_AD99903 - A\ Age when partners end living together (factual divorce)
M_AR99909 - A\ Number of postmarital relationships
M_AR99907 - A\ Partnerstatus on the moment of interview
M_AH99923 - A\ Number of biological or adoptive children living in the HH
M_AH99924 - A\ Number of biological or adoptive children living in the HH, younger than 18y
M_AH99925 - A\ Number of biological or adoptive children living in the HH, younger than 14y
M_AH99926 - A\ Number of stepchildren in the HH
M_AH99927 - A\ Number of non-resident biological or adoptive children
M_AA99904 - A\ Educational level (ISCED 2011)
M_AA99902 - A\ Employmenttatus at start of first marriage
M_AA99903 - A\ Employment status when partners end living together (factual divorce)
M_AA99901 - A\ Employment status on moment of interview
M_AR99910 - A\ Duration of married or unmarried cohabitation in current relationship
M_AR99911 - A\ Age current partner, co-resident or non-resident
M_AR99912 - A\ Sexe current partner, co-resident or non-resident
M_AH99922 - A\ Partner living in the household on the moment of interview
M_AD99905 - A\ Divorce cohorts (legal divorce)
M_AH99903 - A\ Household component
M_AH99904 - A\ New partner: household component
MX99900 - M\ ID Reference marriage (key variable)
M_AX99912 - A\ Randomly selected individual in case of dyadic data
M_AY99900 - A\ Status interview TC
M_AR99913 - A\ Educational level current partner (ISCED 2011)
M_AR99915 - A\ Educational level current new partner (ISCED 2011)
M_AD99906 - A\ Educational level ex-partner (ISCED 2011)
M_AA99905 - A\ Educational level in three categories (ISCED 2011)
M_AR99914 - A\ Educational level current partner in three categories (ISCED 2011)
M_AR99916 - A\ Educational level current new partner in three categories (ISCED 2011)
M_AD99907 - A\ Educational level ex-partner in three categories (ISCED 2011)
M_AX77201 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 or 2 individuals for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage
M_AX77202 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 or 2 individuals for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage and divorce cohort (5 yrs)
M_AX77203 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 or 2 individuals for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage and marital status
M_AX77101 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 individual for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage
M_AX77102 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 individual for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage and divorce cohort (5 yrs)
M_AX77103 - A\ Weighting coefficient: 1 individual for each marriage; poststratification according to year of marriage and marital status
M_AX77301 - A\ Weighting coefficient: men; poststratification according to year of marriage
M_AX77302 - A\ Weighting coefficient: men; poststratification according to year of marriage and divorce cohort (5 yrs)
M_AX77303 - A\ Weighting coefficient: men; poststratification according to year of marriage and marital status
M_AX77401 - A\ Weighting coefficient: women; poststratification according to year of marriage
M_AX77402 - A\ Weighting coefficient: women; poststratification according to year of marriage and divorce cohort (5 yrs)
M_AX77403 - A\ Weighting coefficient: women; poststratification according to year of marriage and marital status
M_AX77501 - A\ Weighting coefficient: individuals from dyads; poststratification according to year of marriage
M_AX77502 - A\ Weighting coefficient: individuals from dyads; poststratification according to year of marriage and divorce cohort (5 yrs)
M_AX77503 - A\ Weighting coefficient: individuals from dyads; poststratification according to year of marriage and marital status
M_PH00101 - P\ timing interview: day
M_PH00102 - P\ timing interview: month
M_PH00103 - P\ timing interview: year
M_PH00200 - P\ Sex
M_PH00302 - P\ Day of birth_month
M_PH00303 - P\ Day of birth_year
M_PH99801 - P\ Age_auto
M_PH00400 - P\ Marital status
M_PH00500 - P\ Ever divorced
M_PH00600 - P\ Number of persons in household
M_PH00701 - P\ Household members: nobody
M_PH00702 - P\ Household members: spouse
M_PH00703 - P\ Household members: partner
M_PH00704 - P\ Household members: children with current partner
M_PH00705 - P\ Household members: children with previous partner
M_PH00706 - P\ Household members: children of partner
M_PH00707 - P\ Household members: mother
M_PH00708 - P\ Household members: father
M_PH00709 - P\ Household members: mother-in-law
M_PH00710 - P\ Household members: father-in-law
M_PH00711 - P\ Household members: grandchildren
M_PH00712 - P\ Household members: someone else from the family
M_PH00713 - P\ Household members: someone else not from the family
M_PH00800 - P\ Housing: ownership current address
M_PH00900 - P\ Housing: ownership other address
M_PH01000 - P\ Children: number
M_PH01100 - P\ Children: number ever married
M_PH01200 - P\ Children: number ever divorced
M_PA00100 - P\ Educational level
M_PA00200 - P\ Activity status
M_PA00301 - P\ Ever paid job
M_PA00302 - P\ Current or last job: description
M_PA00400 - P\ Current or last job: still
M_PA00501 - P\ Last occupation: timing stop_day
M_PA00502 - P\ Last occupation: timing stop_month
M_PA00503 - P\ Last occupation: timing stop_year
M_PA00600 - P\ Current or last job: categorie
M_PA00700 - P\ Income_personal
M_PA00800 - P\ Income_household
M_PA00900 - P\ Subjective perception of income
M_PR00100 - P\ Serieus relationship: currently
M_PR00201 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: good relationship
M_PR00202 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: stable relationship
M_PR00203 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: strong relationship
M_PR00204 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: happy
M_PR00205 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: team with partner
M_PR00300 - P\ Relationship satisfaction: degree of happiness_current relationship
M_PR00401 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage outdated
M_PR00402 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: unmarried cohabitation all right
M_PR00403 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage is lifetime
M_PR00404 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: divorce unhappy marriage allright even when children
M_PR00405 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: women needs children to be fulllfilled
M_PR00406 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: men needs children to be fullfilled
M_PR00407 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child needs both mother and father at home
M_PR00408 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: single motherhood all right
M_PR00409 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child age 18+ needs to live independently
M_PR00410 - P\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: homoseksuals equal rights
M_PD00100 - P\ Attitude towards first marriage child
M_PD00201 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: best for child
M_PD00202 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: dissapprove
M_PD00203 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: reconcilation attempt
M_PD00204 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: refused to discuss
M_PD00205 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: share opinion child
M_PD00206 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: share opinion ex-partner child
M_PD00207 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: best for grandchildren
M_PD00208 - P\ Attitude towards divorce child: negative for grandchildren
M_PD00301 - P\ Support to child during divorce: personal conversation
M_PD00302 - P\ Support to child during divorce: pratical tasks
M_PD00303 - P\ Support to child during divorce: household taks
M_PD00304 - P\ Support to child during divorce: valuable goods or money
M_PD00305 - P\ Support to child during divorce: housing
M_PD00306 - P\ Support to child during divorce: care grandchildren
M_PD00401 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child: relationship with child
M_PD00402 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child: relationship with ex-partner child
M_PD00403 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child: housing child
M_PD00404 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child:financial situation child
M_PD00405 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child: happiness child
M_PD00406 - P\ Compare situation before and after divorce child: relationship with grandchildren
M_PD00500 - P\ Feeling towards divorce child: past
M_PD00600 - P\ Feeling towards divorce child: present
M_PD00700 - P\ Attitude towards current relationship child
M_PD00800 - P\ Attitude towards current marriage child
M_PD00900 - P\ Marriage child: degree of happiness
M_PD01000 - P\ Marriage child: divorce chance
M_PW00100 - P\ Physical health
M_PW00200 - P\ Longterm illness: presence
M_PW00300 - P\ Longterm illness: diagnosis_age
M_PW00400 - P\ Limitations because of health reasons
M_PW00501 - P\ Depression: felt depressed
M_PW00502 - P\ Depression: everythin an effort
M_PW00503 - P\ Depression: restless
M_PW00504 - P\ Depression: happy
M_PW00505 - P\ Depression: lonely
M_PW00506 - P\ Depression: enjoy life
M_PW00507 - P\ Depression: sad
M_PW00508 - P\ Depression: not get going
M_PS00101 - P\ Use professional: general practitioner
M_PS00102 - P\ Use professional: (child) psychiatrist
M_PS00103 - P\ Use professional: other physician
M_PS00104 - P\ Use professional: psychologist
M_PS00105 - P\ Use professional:educationalist
M_PS00106 - P\ Use professional:alternative medical practitioner
M_PS00200 - P\ Stay in rest home
M_PS00301 - P\ Stay in rest home: since_day
M_PS00302 - P\ Stay in rest home: since_month
M_PS00303 - P\ Stay in rest home_since year
M_PS00401 - P\ Service use: home nursing
M_PS00402 - P\ Service use: home help
M_PS00403 - P\ Service use: warm meals delivered
M_PN00101 - P\ Loneliness: emptiness
M_PN00102 - P\ Loneliness: plenty people to rely on
M_PN00103 - P\ Loneliness: many people I can trust
M_PN00104 - P\ Loneliness: people I feel close to
M_PN00105 - P\ Loneliness: miss people around
M_PN00106 - P\ Loneliness: rejected
M_PN00200 - P\ Satisfaction social life
M_PN00300 - P\ Religion: religion or denomination
M_PN00400 - P\ Religion: religiousness
M_PN00500 - P\ Religion: attend religious services
M_PN00601 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: mother-child relationship
M_PN00602 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: working mom_consequences child
M_PN00603 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: what women want
M_PN00604 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: independence women
M_PN00605 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: household income contribution
M_PN00606 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: child rearing fathers
M_PN00607 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: emotions men
M_PN00608 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: workin dad_father-child relationship
M_PN00609 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: child with mother after divorce
M_PN00610 - P\ Attitudes genderroles: housewife/men
M_PN00700 - P\ Child: contact
M_PN00801 - P\ Child: reason no contact_distance
M_PN00802 - P\ Child: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_PN00803 - P\ Child: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_PN00804 - P\ Child: reason no contact_conflict
M_PN00805 - P\ Child: reason no contact_lost contact
M_PN00806 - P\ Child: reason no contact_never known
M_PN00807 - P\ Child: reason no contact_other
M_PN00900 - P\ Child: personal contact_frequency
M_PN01000 - P\ Child: non personal contact_frequency
M_PN01100 - P\ Child: quality of relationship
M_PN01200 - P\ Child: conflicts
M_PN01301 - P\ Support from child: personal conversation
M_PN01302 - P\ Support from child: practical tasks
M_PN01303 - P\ Support from child: household tasks
M_PN01304 - P\ Support from child: valuable goods or money
M_PN01305 - P\ Support from child: fun
M_PN01306 - P\ Support from child: personal care
M_PN01401 - P\ Support to child: personal conversation
M_PN01402 - P\ Support to child: practical tasks
M_PN01403 - P\ Support to child: household tasks
M_PN01404 - P\ Support to child: valuable goods or money
M_PN01405 - P\ Support to child: fun
M_PN01406 - P\ Support to child: child care
M_PN01501 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: grandparents take care of grandchildren
M_PN01502 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents support children financially
M_PN01503 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents should adapt their lifestyle
M_PN01504 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children take care of parents
M_PN01505 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children adapt their working life
M_PN01506 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: daughters take care of parents
M_PN01507 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: sons take care of parents
M_PN01508 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children support parents financially
M_PN01509 - P\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children let parents live in
M_PN01600 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: contact
M_PN01701 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_distance
M_PN01702 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_PN01703 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_PN01704 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_conflict
M_PN01705 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_lost contact
M_PN01706 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_never known
M_PN01707 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: reason no contact_other
M_PN01800 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: personal contact_frequency
M_PN01900 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: non personal contact_frequency
M_PN02000 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: quality of relationship
M_PN02100 - P\ (Ex-)partner of child: conflicts
M_PN02200 - P\ TC: contact
M_PN02301 - P\ TC: reason no contact_distance
M_PN02302 - P\ TC: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_PN02303 - P\ TC: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_PN02304 - P\ TC: reason no contact_not allowed
M_PN02305 - P\ TC: reason no contact_conflict
M_PN02306 - P\ TC: reason no contact_lost contact
M_PN02307 - P\ TC: reason no contact_never known
M_PN02308 - P\ TC: reason no contact_other
M_PN02400 - P\ TC: personal contact_frequency
M_PN02500 - P\ TC: non personal contact_frequency
M_PN02600 - P\ TC: quality of relationship
M_PN02700 - P\ TC: conflicts
M_PX00100 - P\ Re-contact for follow-up
M_PX00200 - P\ Receive report first results
M_PX99905 - P\ Surveymode
M_PX99904 - P\ ID parent
M_PX99901 - P\ Marriage status_root
M_PX99902 - P\ BASE _ refers to reference marriage
M_PX99903 - P\ INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT _ refers to person in household
M_NH00101 - N\ timing interview: day
M_NH00102 - N\ timing interview: month
M_NH00103 - N\ timing interview: year
M_NH00200 - N\ Sex
M_NH00302 - N\ Day of birth_month
M_NH00303 - N\ Day of birth_year
M_NH99801 - N\ Age_auto
M_NH00400 - N\ Marital status
M_NH00500 - N\ Ever divorced
M_NH00600 - N\ Marital status_since year
M_NH00700 - N\ Number of children outside household from other relationship
M_NH00800 - N\ Pay alimony for children
M_NA00100 - N\ Educational level
M_NA00201 - N\ Timing educationa certifcate_month
M_NA00202 - N\ Timing educationa certifcate_year
M_NA00300 - N\ Activity status
M_NA00401 - N\ Ever paid job
M_NA00402 - N\ Current or last job: description
M_NA00500 - N\ Current or last job: still
M_NA00601 - N\ Last occupation: timing stop_day
M_NA00602 - N\ Last occupation: timing stop_month
M_NA00603 - N\ Last occupation: timing stop_year
M_NA00700 - N\ Current or last job: categorie
M_NA00800 - N\ Income_personal
M_NA00900 - N\ Subjective perception of income
M_NH01000 - N\ Housing: ownership current address
M_NH01100 - N\ Housing: ownership other address
M_NR00100 - N\ Current relationship: description
M_NR00200 - N\ Current relationship: intention cohabitation agreement
M_NR00300 - N\ Current relationship: intention to marry
M_NR00401 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: good relationship
M_NR00402 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: stable relationship
M_NR00403 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: strong relationship
M_NR00404 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: happy
M_NR00405 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: team with partner
M_NR00500 - N\ Relationship satisfaction: degree of happiness_current relationship
M_NR00601 - N\ Communication with partner: daily problems
M_NR00602 - N\ Communication with partner: interests
M_NR00603 - N\ Communication with partner: daily events
M_NR00701 - N\ Support from partner: work or education
M_NR00702 - N\ Support from partner: worries or health problems
M_NR00703 - N\ Support from partner: leisure time activities and social contacts
M_NR00704 - N\ Support from partner: practical things
M_NR00705 - N\ Support from partner: personal matters
M_NR00801 - N\ Conflict intensity: blame each other
M_NR00802 - N\ Conflict intensity: yelling or screaming
M_NR00803 - N\ Conflict intensity: physical violence
M_NR00804 - N\ Conflict intensity: throw or break things
M_NR00805 - N\ Conflict intensity: not want to talk to each other for a while
M_NR00901 - N\ Conflict issues: managing finances
M_NR00902 - N\ Conflict issues: leisure time
M_NR00903 - N\ Conflict issues: expression of feelings
M_NR00904 - N\ Conflict issues: friends
M_NR00905 - N\ Conflict issues: sexual life
M_NR00906 - N\ Conflict issues: parents (-in-law)
M_NR00907 - N\ Conflict issues: household tasks
M_NR00908 - N\ Conflict issues: work
M_NR00909 - N\ Conflict issues: raising children
M_NR00910 - N\ Conflict issues: alcohol usage
M_NR01001 - N\ Conflict resolution: each had their say
M_NR01002 - N\ Conflict resolution: thinking 'here we go again'
M_NR01003 - N\ Conflict resolution: able to resolve problems
M_NR01004 - N\ Conflict resolution: arguments stay unresolved
M_NR01005 - N\ Conflict resolution: days pass without resolving differences
M_NR01006 - N\ Conflict resolution: arguments get stuck
M_NR01007 - N\ Conflict resolution: better ways needed
M_NR01008 - N\ Conflict resolution: arguments resolved quickly
M_NR01101 - N\ Attitude social network towards relationship: family
M_NR01102 - N\ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends
M_NR01103 - N\ Attitude social network towards relationship: family partner
M_NR01104 - N\ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends partner
M_NR01105 - N\ Attitude social network towards relationship: mutual friends
M_NR01200 - N\ Common network partners: friends respondents
M_NR01300 - N\ Relationship in trouble in the past 12 months
M_NR01401 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_financial situation
M_NR01402 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_work
M_NR01403 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_housing
M_NR01404 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_health
M_NR01405 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_quality of relationship
M_NR01406 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_children
M_NR01407 - N\ Decision to separate: important factors_friends and family
M_NR01601 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage outdated
M_NR01602 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: unmarried cohabitation all right
M_NR01603 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage is lifetime
M_NR01604 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: divorce unhappy marriage allright even when children
M_NR01605 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: women needs children to be fulllfilled
M_NR01606 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: men needs children to be fullfilled
M_NR01607 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child needs both mother and father at home
M_NR01608 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: single motherhood all right
M_NR01609 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child age 18+ needs to live independently
M_NR01610 - N\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: homoseksuals equal rights
M_NR01700 - N\ Fertility: ideal number of children
M_NR01800 - N\ Fertility: intentions_next three years
M_NR01900 - N\ Fertility: intentions_ever
M_NR02000 - N\ Fertility: planned number of children
M_NR02100 - N\ Fertility: agreement with partner
M_NR02200 - N\ Fertility: intensity of conflict with partner
M_NR02300 - N\ Fertility: fertility problem
M_ND00101 - N\ Perception divorce partner: no problem to call his/herself divorced
M_ND00102 - N\ Perception divorce partner: recovered from divorce
M_ND00103 - N\ Perception divorce partner: ex-partner recovered from divorce
M_ND00104 - N\ Perception divorce partner: familie ex-partner
M_ND00105 - N\ Perception divorce partner: talking about ex-partner
M_ND00200 - N\ Perception quality relationship partner and ex-partner
M_NN00101 - N\ Mother-in-law: contact_frequency
M_NN00102 - N\ Father-in-law: contact_frequency
M_NN00103 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: contact_frequency
M_NN00201 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_NN00202 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_NN00203 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_NN00204 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_NN00205 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_not allowed
M_NN00206 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_NN00207 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_NN00208 - N\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_do not know
M_NN00209 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_distance
M_NN00210 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
M_NN00211 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_NN00212 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_NN00213 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_not allowed
M_NN00214 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
M_NN00215 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_other
M_NN00216 - N\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_do not know
M_NN00217 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_distance
M_NN00218 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_conflict
M_NN00219 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
M_NN00220 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_I do not want to
M_NN00221 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_not allowed
M_NN00222 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_lost contact
M_NN00223 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_other
M_NN00224 - N\ Ex-partner of partner: reason no contact_do not know
M_NN00301 - N\ Mother-in-law: quality of relationship
M_NN00302 - N\ Father-in-law: quality of relationship
M_NN00303 - N\ Father-in-law: quality of relationship
M_NW00100 - N\ Life satisfaction
M_NW00200 - N\ Physical health
M_NW00301 - N\ Depression: felt depressed
M_NW00302 - N\ Depression: everything an effort
M_NW00303 - N\ Depression: restless
M_NW00304 - N\ Depression: happy
M_NW00305 - N\ Depression: lonely
M_NW00306 - N\ Depression: enjoy life
M_NW00307 - N\ Depression: sad
M_NW00308 - N\ Depression: not get going
M_NN00401 - N\ Loneliness: emptiness
M_NN00402 - N\ Loneliness: plenty people to rely on
M_NN00403 - N\ Loneliness: many people I can trust
M_NN00404 - N\ Loneliness: people I feel close to
M_NN00405 - N\ Loneliness: miss people around
M_NN00406 - N\ Loneliness: rejected
M_NN00500 - N\ Attitude role government: relationship child and stepparent
M_NN00601 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: mother-child relationship
M_NN00602 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: working mom_consequences child
M_NN00603 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: what women want
M_NN00604 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: independence women
M_NN00605 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: household income contribution
M_NN00606 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: child rearing fathers
M_NN00607 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: emotions men
M_NN00608 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: workin dad_father-child relationship
M_NN00609 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: child with mother after divorce
M_NN00610 - N\ Attitudes genderroles: housewife/men
M_NN00701 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: grandparents take care of grandchildren
M_NN00702 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents support children financially
M_NN00703 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents should adapt their lifestyle
M_NN00704 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children take care of parents
M_NN00705 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children adapt their working life
M_NN00706 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: daughters take care of parents
M_NN00707 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: sons take care of parents
M_NN00708 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children support parents financially
M_NN00709 - N\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children let parents live in
M_NN00800 - N\ Religion: religion or denomination
M_NN00900 - N\ Religion: religiousness
M_NN01000 - N\ Religion: attend religious services
M_NC00200 - N\ TC: legal parent
M_NC00300 - N\ TC: legal parent_since year
M_NC00400 - N\ TC: contact
M_NC00500 - N\ TC: quality of relationship
M_NC00600 - N\ TC: conflicts
M_NC00700 - N\ Perception divorce TC: recovered from divorce
M_NC00801 - N\ Relationship with TC: openly shows affection for me
M_NC00802 - N\ Relationship with TC: topics avoids discussing
M_NC00803 - N\ Relationship with TC: satisfied with how we talk together.
M_NC00804 - N\ Relationship with TC: easy to discuss problems
M_NC00805 - N\ Relationship with TC: easy to express feelings
M_NC00806 - N\ Relationship with TC: TC says things that would be better left unsaid
M_NC00807 - N\ Relationship with TC: constantly nagging/bothering
M_NC00808 - N\ Relationship with TC: insult
M_NC00809 - N\ Relationship with TC: I say things that would be better left unsaid
M_NC00901 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: after school
M_NC00902 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: let me know if too late
M_NC00903 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: with who
M_NC00904 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: at night
M_NC00905 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: plans
M_NC00906 - N\ Monitoring social life TC: destination
M_NC01001 - N\ Activities with/for TC: talking about problems
M_NC01002 - N\ Activities with/for TC: inviting friends
M_NC01003 - N\ Activities with/for TC: helping with homework
M_NC01004 - N\ Activities with/for TC: going out
M_NC01005 - N\ Activities with/for TC: leisure activities
M_NC01006 - N\ Activities with/for TC: transport
M_NC01007 - N\ Activities with/for TC: staying at home when sick
M_NC01008 - N\ Activities with/for TC: parent meetings at school
M_NC01101 - N\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_playing
M_NC01102 - N\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_getting up at night
M_NC01103 - N\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_dressing
M_NC01104 - N\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_feeding
M_NC01201 - N\ Cooperation with partner for education: talking
M_NC01202 - N\ Cooperation with partner for education: decision
M_NC01203 - N\ Cooperation with partner for education: help
M_NC01301 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: seeking help
M_NC01302 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: help
M_NC01303 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: help for ex-partner
M_NC01304 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: flexibel
M_NC01305 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: ex-partner flexibel
M_NC01306 - N\ Cooperation with ex-partner for education: understanding
M_NF00101 - N\ Personality: talkative
M_NF00102 - N\ Personality: criticism of other people
M_NF00103 - N\ Personality: thorough job
M_NF00104 - N\ Personality: depressed, blue
M_NF00105 - N\ Personality: original
M_NF00106 - N\ Personality: reserved
M_NF00107 - N\ Personality: helpful
M_NF00108 - N\ Personality: careless
M_NF00109 - N\ Personality: relaxed
M_NF00110 - N\ Personality: curious for different things
M_NF00111 - N\ Personality: full of energy
M_NF00112 - N\ Personality: quickly quarreling
M_NF00113 - N\ Personality: reliable worker
M_NF00114 - N\ Personality: tense
M_NF00115 - N\ Personality: ingenious
M_NF00116 - N\ Personality: enthousiastic
M_NF00117 - N\ Personality: forgiving
M_NF00118 - N\ Personality: disorganized
M_NF00119 - N\ Personality: worries a lot
M_NF00120 - N\ Personality: active imagination
M_NF00121 - N\ Personality: quiet
M_NF00122 - N\ Personality: trusting
M_NF00123 - N\ Personality: lazy
M_NF00124 - N\ Personality: emotionally stable
M_NF00125 - N\ Personality: inventive
M_NF00126 - N\ Personality: assertive
M_NF00127 - N\ Personality: cold and aloof
M_NF00128 - N\ Personality: perseveres until task is finished
M_NF00129 - N\ Personality: moody
M_NF00130 - N\ Personality: values artistic, aesthetic experiences
M_NF00131 - N\ Personality: shy
M_NF00132 - N\ Personality: kind and thoughtful
M_NF00133 - N\ Personality: does things efficiently
M_NF00134 - N\ Personality: remains calm
M_NF00135 - N\ Personality: preferes routine work
M_NF00136 - N\ Personality: outgoing, sociable
M_NF00137 - N\ Personality: rude
M_NF00138 - N\ Personality: makes plans and continues them
M_NF00139 - N\ Personality: easily nervous
M_NF00140 - N\ Personality: likes to reflect
M_NF00141 - N\ Personality: few artistic interests
M_NF00142 - N\ Personality: likes to coperate with others
M_NF00143 - N\ Personality: easily distracted
M_NF00144 - N\ Personality: sophisticated in art, music or literature
M_NX00100 - N\ Re-contact for follow-up
M_NX00200 - N\ Receive report first results
M_NX99905 - N\ Surveymode
M_NC00100 - N\ TK: timing leren kennen
M_NH00900 - N\ Alimentatie betalen voor kinderen
M_NX99904 - N\ ID new partner
M_NX99901 - N\ Marriage status_root
M_NX99902 - N\ BASE _ refers to reference marriage
M_NX99903 - N\ INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT _ refers to person in household
M_NR01501 - N\ Intentions: divorce chance_future first marriage
M_NR01502 - N\ Intentions: divorce chance_current marriage
M_NR01503 - N\ Intentions: divorce chance_future remarriage
F_AX99904 - A\ ID individual partner (keyvariable)
F_AX99900 - A\ ID reference marriage
F_AX99905 - A\ Sequence number interview
F_AX99906 - A\ timing interview: day_auto
F_AX99907 - A\ timing interview: month_auto
F_AX99908 - A\ timing interview: year_auto
F_AX99910 - A\ timing interview: start hours_auto
F_AX99911 - A\ timing interview: start minutes_auto
F_AX00100 - A\ Interviewer number_auto
F_AX00201 - A\ timing interview: day
F_AX00202 - A\ timing interview: month
F_AX00203 - A\ timing interview: year
F_AX00301 - A\ timing interview: start hours
F_AX00302 - A\ timing interview: start minutes
F_AX00400 - A\ Start interview: presence other persons
F_AX00501 - A\ Start interview: partner present
F_AX00502 - A\ Start interview: children > 6 years present
F_AX00503 - A\ Start interview: children < 6 years present
F_AX00504 - A\ Start interview: other adult(s) present
F_AX00600 - A\ Code introduction lettre
F_AH05800 - A\ Check household members
F_AH00100 - A\ Number of household members
F_AH00200 - A\ Name
F_AH00401 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month respondent
F_AH00501 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year respondent
F_AH00601 - A\ Household members: age respondent
F_AH99801 - A\ Household members: age_auto respondent
F_AH00701 - A\ Household members: sex respondent
F_AH01101 - A\ Household members: marital status respondent
F_AH05900 - A\ Ever divorced
F_AH00402 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 2
F_AH00502 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 2
F_AH99802 - A\ Household members: age_auto 2
F_AH00602 - A\ Household members: age 2
F_AH00702 - A\ Household members: sex 2
F_AH00403 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 3
F_AH00503 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 3
F_AH99803 - A\ Household members: age_auto 3
F_AH00603 - A\ Household members: age 3
F_AH00703 - A\ Household members: sex 3
F_AH00404 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 4
F_AH00504 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 4
F_AH99804 - A\ Household members: age_auto 4
F_AH00604 - A\ Household members: age 4
F_AH00704 - A\ Household members: sex 4
F_AH00405 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 5
F_AH00505 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 5
F_AH99805 - A\ Household members: age_auto 5
F_AH00605 - A\ Household members: age 5
F_AH00705 - A\ Household members: sex 5
F_AH00406 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 6
F_AH00506 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 6
F_AH99806 - A\ Household members: age_auto 6
F_AH00606 - A\ Household members: age 6
F_AH00706 - A\ Household members: sex 6
F_AH00407 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 7
F_AH00507 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 7
F_AH99807 - A\ Household members: age_auto 7
F_AH00607 - A\ Household members: age 7
F_AH00707 - A\ Household members: sex 7
F_AH00408 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 8
F_AH00508 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 8
F_AH99808 - A\ Household members: age_auto 8
F_AH00608 - A\ Household members: age 8
F_AH00708 - A\ Household members: sex 8
F_AH00409 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 9
F_AH00509 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 9
F_AH99809 - A\ Household members: age_auto 9
F_AH00609 - A\ Household members: age 9
F_AH00709 - A\ Household members: sex 9
F_AH00410 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 10
F_AH00510 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 10
F_AH99810 - A\ Household members: age_auto 10
F_AH00610 - A\ Household members: age 10
F_AH00710 - A\ Household members: sex 10
F_AH00411 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 11
F_AH00511 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 11
F_AH99811 - A\ Household members: age_auto 11
F_AH00611 - A\ Household members: age 11
F_AH00711 - A\ Household members: sex 11
F_AH00412 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 12
F_AH00512 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 12
F_AH99812 - A\ Household members: age_auto 12
F_AH00612 - A\ Household members: age 12
F_AH00712 - A\ Household members: sex 12
F_AH00413 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 13
F_AH00513 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 13
F_AH99813 - A\ Household members: age_auto 13
F_AH00613 - A\ Household members: age 13
F_AH00713 - A\ Household members: sex 13
F_AH00414 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 14
F_AH00514 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 14
F_AH99814 - A\ Household members: age_auto 14
F_AH00614 - A\ Household members: age 14
F_AH00714 - A\ Household members: sex 14
F_AH00415 - A\ Household members: date of birth_month 15
F_AH00515 - A\ Household members: date of birth_year 15
F_AH99815 - A\ Household members: age_auto 15
F_AH00615 - A\ Household members: age 15
F_AH00715 - A\ Household members: sex 15
F_AH00802 - A\ Household members: relationship 2
F_AH00902 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 2
F_AH01002 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 2
F_AH99702 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 2
F_AH01102 - A\ Household members: marital status 2
F_AH00803 - A\ Household members: relationship 3
F_AH00903 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 3
F_AH01003 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 3
F_AH99703 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 3
F_AH01103 - A\ Household members: marital status 3
F_AH00804 - A\ Household members: relationship 4
F_AH00904 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 4
F_AH01004 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 4
F_AH99704 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 4
F_AH01104 - A\ Household members: marital status 4
F_AH00805 - A\ Household members: relationship 5
F_AH00905 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 5
F_AH01005 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 5
F_AH99705 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 5
F_AH01105 - A\ Household members: marital status 5
F_AH00806 - A\ Household members: relationship 6
F_AH00906 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 6
F_AH01006 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 6
F_AH99706 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 6
F_AH01106 - A\ Household members: marital status 6
F_AH00807 - A\ Household members: relationship 7
F_AH00907 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 7
F_AH01007 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 7
F_AH99707 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 7
F_AH01107 - A\ Household members: marital status 7
F_AH00808 - A\ Household members: relationship 8
F_AH00908 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 8
F_AH01008 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 8
F_AH99708 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 8
F_AH01108 - A\ Household members: marital status 8
F_AH00809 - A\ Household members: relationship 9
F_AH00909 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 9
F_AH01009 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 9
F_AH99709 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 9
F_AH01109 - A\ Household members: marital status 9
F_AH00810 - A\ Household members: relationship 10
F_AH00910 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 10
F_AH01010 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 10
F_AH99710 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 10
F_AH01110 - A\ Household members: marital status 10
F_AH00811 - A\ Household members: relationship 11
F_AH00911 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 11
F_AH01011 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 11
F_AH99711 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 11
F_AH01111 - A\ Household members: marital status 11
F_AH00812 - A\ Household members: relationship 12
F_AH00912 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 12
F_AH01012 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 12
F_AH99712 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 12
F_AH01112 - A\ Household members: marital status 12
F_AH00813 - A\ Household members: relationship 13
F_AH00913 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 13
F_AH01013 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 13
F_AH99713 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 13
F_AH01113 - A\ Household members: marital status 13
F_AH00814 - A\ Household members: relationship 14
F_AH00914 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 14
F_AH01014 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 14
F_AH99714 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 14
F_AH01114 - A\ Household members: marital status 14
F_AH00815 - A\ Household members: relationship 15
F_AH00915 - A\ Household members: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 15
F_AH01015 - A\ Household members: determination of parents child 15
F_AH99715 - A\ Household members: identical descent of both partners child 15
F_AH01115 - A\ Household members: marital status 15
F_AH01202 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 2
F_AH01302 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 2
F_AH01402 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 2
F_AH01502 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 2
F_AH01203 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 3
F_AH01303 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 3
F_AH01403 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 3
F_AH01503 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 3
F_AH01204 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 4
F_AH01304 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 4
F_AH01404 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 4
F_AH01504 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 4
F_AH01205 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 5
F_AH01305 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 5
F_AH01405 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 5
F_AH01505 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 5
F_AH01206 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 6
F_AH01306 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 6
F_AH01406 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 6
F_AH01506 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 6
F_AH01207 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 7
F_AH01307 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 7
F_AH01407 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 7
F_AH01507 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 7
F_AH01208 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 8
F_AH01308 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 8
F_AH01408 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 8
F_AH01508 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 8
F_AH01209 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 9
F_AH01309 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 9
F_AH01409 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 9
F_AH01509 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 9
F_AH01210 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 10
F_AH01310 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 10
F_AH01410 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 10
F_AH01510 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 10
F_AH01211 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 11
F_AH01311 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 11
F_AH01411 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 11
F_AH01511 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 11
F_AH01212 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 12
F_AH01312 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 12
F_AH01412 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 12
F_AH01512 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 12
F_AH01213 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 13
F_AH01313 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 13
F_AH01413 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 13
F_AH01513 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 13
F_AH01214 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 14
F_AH01314 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 14
F_AH01414 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 14
F_AH01514 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 14
F_AH01215 - A\ Household members: start together in household_month 15
F_AH01315 - A\ Household members: start together in household_year 15
F_AH01415 - A\ Household members: start together in household_age 15
F_AH01515 - A\ Household members: co-parental arrangement child 15
F_AH01600 - A\ Reason spouse not in same household
F_AH01700 - A\ Divorce procedure running
F_AH01800 - A\ Ever divorced for the second time
F_AH99900 - A\ Factual living situation_auto
F_AH01901 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)children live with respondent
F_AH01902 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)children
F_AH01903 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)parents
F_AH01904 - A\ Family situation: respondent lives with (grand-)parents partner
F_AH01905 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)parents live with respondent
F_AH01906 - A\ Family situation: (grand-)parents partner live with respondent
F_AH99905 - A\ Household number
F_AH99921 - A\ New partner: ID
F_AH02000 - A\ Children outside household: presence
F_AH02100 - A\ Children outside household: number
F_AH02301 - A\ Children outside household: sex 1
F_AH02401 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 1
F_AH02501 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 1
F_AH99601 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 1
F_AH02601 - A\ Children outside household: age 1
F_AH02701 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 1
F_AH02801 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 1
F_AH02901 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 1
F_AH99501 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 1
F_AH03001 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 1
F_AH03101 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 1
F_AH03201 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 1
F_AH03301 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 1
F_AH03401 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 1
F_AH03501 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year1
F_AH03601 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age1
F_AH03701 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason1
F_AH03801 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 1
F_AH03901 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 1
F_AH02302 - A\ Children outside household: sex 2
F_AH02402 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 2
F_AH02502 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 2
F_AH99602 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 2
F_AH02602 - A\ Children outside household: age 2
F_AH02702 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 2
F_AH02802 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 2
F_AH02902 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 2
F_AH99502 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 2
F_AH03002 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 2
F_AH03102 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 2
F_AH03202 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 2
F_AH03302 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 2
F_AH03402 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 2
F_AH03502 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year2
F_AH03602 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age2
F_AH03702 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason2
F_AH03802 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 2
F_AH03902 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 2
F_AH02303 - A\ Children outside household: sex 3
F_AH02403 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 3
F_AH02503 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 3
F_AH99603 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 3
F_AH02603 - A\ Children outside household: age 3
F_AH02703 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 3
F_AH02803 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 3
F_AH02903 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 3
F_AH99503 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 3
F_AH03003 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 3
F_AH03103 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 3
F_AH03203 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 3
F_AH03303 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 3
F_AH03403 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 3
F_AH03503 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year3
F_AH03603 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age3
F_AH03703 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason3
F_AH03803 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 3
F_AH03903 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 3
F_AH02304 - A\ Children outside household: sex 4
F_AH02404 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 4
F_AH02504 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 4
F_AH99604 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 4
F_AH02604 - A\ Children outside household: age 4
F_AH02704 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 4
F_AH02804 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 4
F_AH02904 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 4
F_AH99504 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 4
F_AH03004 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 4
F_AH03104 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 4
F_AH03204 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 4
F_AH03304 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 4
F_AH03404 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 4
F_AH03504 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year4
F_AH03604 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age4
F_AH03704 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason4
F_AH03804 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 4
F_AH03904 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 4
F_AH02305 - A\ Children outside household: sex 5
F_AH02405 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 5
F_AH02505 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 5
F_AH99605 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 5
F_AH02605 - A\ Children outside household: age 5
F_AH02705 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 5
F_AH02805 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 5
F_AH02905 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 5
F_AH99505 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 5
F_AH03005 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 5
F_AH03105 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 5
F_AH03205 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 5
F_AH03305 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 5
F_AH03405 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 5
F_AH03505 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year5
F_AH03605 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age5
F_AH03705 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason5
F_AH03805 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 5
F_AH03905 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 5
F_AH02306 - A\ Children outside household: sex 6
F_AH02406 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 6
F_AH02506 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 6
F_AH99606 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 6
F_AH02606 - A\ Children outside household: age 6
F_AH02706 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 6
F_AH02806 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 6
F_AH02906 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 6
F_AH99506 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 6
F_AH03006 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 6
F_AH03106 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 6
F_AH03206 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 6
F_AH03306 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 6
F_AH03406 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 6
F_AH03506 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year6
F_AH03606 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age6
F_AH03706 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason6
F_AH03806 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 6
F_AH03906 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 6
F_AH02307 - A\ Children outside household: sex 7
F_AH02407 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 7
F_AH02507 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 7
F_AH99607 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 7
F_AH02607 - A\ Children outside household: age 7
F_AH02707 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 7
F_AH02807 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 7
F_AH02907 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 7
F_AH99507 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 7
F_AH03007 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 7
F_AH03107 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 7
F_AH03207 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 7
F_AH03307 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 7
F_AH03407 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 7
F_AH03507 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year7
F_AH03607 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age7
F_AH03707 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason7
F_AH03807 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 7
F_AH03907 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 7
F_AH02308 - A\ Children outside household: sex 8
F_AH02408 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 8
F_AH02508 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 8
F_AH99608 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 8
F_AH02608 - A\ Children outside household: age 8
F_AH02708 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 8
F_AH02808 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 8
F_AH02908 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 8
F_AH99508 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 8
F_AH03008 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 8
F_AH03108 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 8
F_AH03208 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 8
F_AH03308 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 8
F_AH03408 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 8
F_AH03508 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year8
F_AH03608 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age8
F_AH03708 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason8
F_AH03808 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 8
F_AH03908 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 8
F_AH02309 - A\ Children outside household: sex 9
F_AH02409 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 9
F_AH02509 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 9
F_AH99609 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 9
F_AH02609 - A\ Children outside household: age 9
F_AH02709 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 9
F_AH02809 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 9
F_AH02909 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 9
F_AH99509 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 9
F_AH03009 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 9
F_AH03109 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 9
F_AH03209 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 9
F_AH03309 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 9
F_AH03409 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 9
F_AH03509 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year9
F_AH03609 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age9
F_AH03709 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason9
F_AH03809 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 9
F_AH03909 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 9
F_AH02310 - A\ Children outside household: sex 10
F_AH02410 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_month 10
F_AH02510 - A\ Children outside household: date of birth_year 10
F_AH99610 - A\ Children outside household: age_auto 10
F_AH02610 - A\ Children outside household: age 10
F_AH02710 - A\ Children outside household: relationship 10
F_AH02810 - A\ Children outside household: relationship between (ex-)spouse and child 10
F_AH02910 - A\ Children outside household: determination of parents child 10
F_AH99510 - A\ Children outside household: identical descent of both partners child 10
F_AH03010 - A\ Children outside household: ever together in household 10
F_AH03110 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_month 10
F_AH03210 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_year 10
F_AH03310 - A\ Children outside household: start together in household_age 10
F_AH03410 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_month 10
F_AH03510 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_year10
F_AH03610 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_age10
F_AH03710 - A\ Children outside household: stop together in household_reason10
F_AH03810 - A\ Children outside household: current living situation 10
F_AH03910 - A\ Children outside household: marital status 10
F_AH04000 - A\ Deceased children: presence
F_AH04100 - A\ Deceased children: number
F_AH04301 - A\ Deceased children: sex 1
F_AH04401 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 1
F_AH04501 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 1
F_AH04601 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 1
F_AH04701 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 1
F_AH04801 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year1
F_AH04901 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 1
F_AH05001 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 1
F_AH04302 - A\ Deceased children: sex 2
F_AH04402 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 2
F_AH04502 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 2
F_AH04602 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 2
F_AH04702 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 2
F_AH04802 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year2
F_AH04902 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 2
F_AH05002 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 2
F_AH04303 - A\ Deceased children: sex 3
F_AH04403 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 3
F_AH04503 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 3
F_AH04603 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 3
F_AH04703 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 3
F_AH04803 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year3
F_AH04903 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 3
F_AH05003 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 3
F_AH04304 - A\ Deceased children: sex 4
F_AH04404 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 4
F_AH04504 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 4
F_AH04604 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 4
F_AH04704 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 4
F_AH04804 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year4
F_AH04904 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 4
F_AH05004 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 4
F_AH04305 - A\ Deceased children: sex 5
F_AH04405 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_month 5
F_AH04505 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_year 5
F_AH04605 - A\ Deceased children: date of birth_age 5
F_AH04705 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_month 5
F_AH04805 - A\ Deceased children: date of decease_year5
F_AH04905 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_month 5
F_AH05005 - A\ Deceased children: age of decease_year 5
F_AH05100 - A\ Housing: ownership current address
F_AH05200 - A\ Housing: perceived quality
F_AH05300 - A\ Housing: perceived size
F_AH05401 - A\ Housing: amount rent
F_AH05402 - A\ Housing: amount rent_time unit
F_AH05500 - A\ Housing: ownership other address
F_AH05600 - A\ Housing: mortgage
F_AH05701 - A\ Housing: amount mortgage
F_AH05702 - A\ Housing: amount mortgage_time unit
F_AH99906 - A\ Number of (grand-)children in household
F_AH99907 - A\ Number of children in household
F_AH99908 - A\ Number of persons < 12 years old in household
F_AH99909 - A\ Partner in household
F_AH99910 - A\ Partner in household: sex
F_AH99911 - A\ Partner in household: age
F_AH99912 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent in household
F_AH99913 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent outside household
F_AH99914 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of respondent
F_AH99915 - A\ Mother of respondent in household
F_AH99916 - A\ Father of respondent in household
F_AH99917 - A\ Mother-in-law of respondent in household
F_AH99918 - A\ Father-in-law of respondent in household
F_AH99919 - A\ Number of biological or adoption children of partner in household
F_AP00100 - A\ Leaving parental home: date_month
F_AP00200 - A\ Leaving parental home: date_year
F_AP00300 - A\ Leaving parental home: age
F_AP00400 - A\ Parents: ever married
F_AP00500 - A\ Parents: ever cohabitated unmarried
F_AP00600 - A\ Parents: ever divorced
F_AP00700 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_month
F_AP00800 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_year
F_AP00900 - A\ Parents: timing divorce_age
F_AP01000 - A\ Mother: still alive
F_AP01100 - A\ Mother: date of decease_month
F_AP01200 - A\ Mother: date of decease_year
F_AP01300 - A\ Mother: date of birth_month
F_AP01400 - A\ Mother: date of birth_year
F_AP01500 - A\ Mother: age
F_AP01600 - A\ Mother: age of decease
F_AP01700 - A\ Mother: educational level
F_AP01800 - A\ Mother: Belgian nationality
F_AP01900 - A\ Mother: other nationality
F_AP02000 - A\ Father: still alive
F_AP02100 - A\ Father: date of decease_month
F_AP02200 - A\ Father: date of decease_year
F_AP02300 - A\ Father: date of birth_month
F_AP02400 - A\ Father: date of birth_year
F_AP02500 - A\ Father: age
F_AP02600 - A\ Father: age of decease
F_AP02700 - A\ Father: educational level
F_AP02800 - A\ Father: Belgian nationality
F_AP02900 - A\ Father: other nationality
F_AP03000 - A\ Siblings: number
F_AP03100 - A\ Siblings: number ever married
F_AP03200 - A\ Siblings: number ever divorced
F_AY99901 - A\ TC: type
F_AY99903 - A\ TC: age
F_AY99904 - A\ TC: sex
F_AY99905 - A\ TC: household component
F_AY99906 - A\ TC: household number
F_AY99907 - A\ TC: selected
F_AY00001 - A\ TC: control living situation_inside household
F_AY00003 - A\ TC: control living situation_outside household
F_AY00002 - A\ TC: current living situation
F_AY99908 - A\ TC: change in living situation
F_AY00100 - A\ TC: permission_i1
F_AY00201 - A\ TC: reason no permission_burden_i1
F_AY00202 - A\ TC: reason no permission_difficulties with divorce_i1
F_AY00203 - A\ TC: reason no permission_sick_i1
F_AY00204 - A\ TC: reason no permission_holiday_i1
F_AY00205 - A\ TC: reason no permission_disabled_i1
F_AY00206 - A\ TC: reason no permission_lost contact_i1
F_AY00207 - A\ TC: reason no permission_other_i1
F_AY00300 - A\ TC: objection ex-partner_i1
F_AY99909 - A\ TC: status contact for interview_i1
F_AY00400 - A\ TC: willing to give address_i1
F_AY00507 - A\ TC: address_complete_i1
F_AY00601 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_health_i1
F_AY00602 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_difficult with divorce_i1
F_AY00603 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_burden_i1
F_AY00604 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_language_i1
F_AY00605 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_abroad_i1
F_AY00606 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_lost contact_i1
F_AY00607 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_other_i1
F_AY00700 - A\ TC: permission_i2
F_AY00801 - A\ TC: reason no permission_burden_i2
F_AY00802 - A\ TC: reason no permission_difficulties with divorce_i2
F_AY00803 - A\ TC: reason no permission_sick_i2
F_AY00804 - A\ TC: reason no permission_holiday_i2
F_AY00805 - A\ TC: reason no permission_disabled_i2
F_AY00806 - A\ TC: reason no permission_lost contact_i2
F_AY00807 - A\ TC: reason no permission_other_i2
F_AY99910 - A\ TC: status contact for interview_i2
F_AY00900 - A\ TC: willing to give address_i2
F_AY01007 - A\ TC: address_complete_i2
F_AY01101 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_health_i2
F_AY01102 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_difficult with divorce_i2
F_AY01103 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_burden_i2
F_AY01104 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_language_i2
F_AY01105 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_abroad_i2
F_AY01106 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_lost contact_i2
F_AY01107 - A\ TC: reason refusal adress_other_i2
F_AY99911 - A\ Parent: scenario
F_AY99912 - A\ Parent: type of recipient
F_AY99913 - A\ Parent: household component
F_AY99914 - A\ Parent: ID
F_AY01200 - A\ Parent: willing to give address
F_AY99915 - A\ Parent: status cooperation
F_AY01401 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_health
F_AY01402 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_burden
F_AY01403 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_language
F_AY01404 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_living abroad
F_AY01405 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_lost contact
F_AY01406 - A\ Parent: reason no permission_other
F_AR00100 - A\ Before first marriage: cohabitated with other partners
F_AR00200 - A\ Before first marriage: cohabitated with other partners_number
F_AR00500 - A\ First marriage: date of birth_month (ex-)spouse
F_AR00600 - A\ First marriage: date of birth_year (ex-)spouse
F_AR00700 - A\ First marriage: age (ex-)spouse
F_AR00800 - A\ First marriage: sex (ex-)spouse
F_AR00900 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_month
F_AR01000 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_year
F_AR01100 - A\ First marriage: start relationship_age
F_AR01200 - A\ First marriage: ever cohabitated unmarried
F_AR01300 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_month
F_AR01400 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_year
F_AR01500 - A\ First marriage: start cohabitation_age
F_AR01600 - A\ First marriage: cohabitation agreement
F_AR01800 - A\ First marriage: date civil marriage_month
F_AR01900 - A\ First marriage: date civil marriage_year
F_AR02000 - A\ First marriage: civil marriage_age
F_AR02100 - A\ First marriage: type of agreement
F_AR02200 - A\ First marriage: religious ceremony
F_AR02301 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_pregnancy
F_AR02302 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_surrounding people
F_AR02303 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_confirmation
F_AR02304 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_fertility plans
F_AR02305 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_children
F_AR02306 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_practical
F_AR02307 - A\ First marriage: reasons to marry_escape parental home
F_AR02401 - A\ First marriage: children of (ex-)spouse outside household
F_AR02402 - A\ First marriage: children of (ex-)spouse in household
F_AR02501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 1
F_AR02701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 1
F_AR02801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 1
F_AR02901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 1
F_AR08501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 1
F_AR03001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 1
F_AR03101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 1
F_AR03201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 1
F_AR03301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 1
F_AR03401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 1
F_AR03501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 1
F_AR03601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 1
F_AR03701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 1
F_AR03901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 1
F_AR04001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 1
F_AR04101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 1
F_AR04201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 1
F_AR04301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 1
F_AR04401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 1
F_AR04501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 1
F_AR04601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 1
F_AR08601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 1
F_AR04701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 1
F_AR04801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 1
F_AR04901 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 1
F_AR05001 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 1
F_AR05101 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 1
F_AR05201 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 1
F_AR05301 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 1
F_AR05401 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 1
F_AR05501 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 1
F_AR05601 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 1
F_AR05701 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 1
F_AR05801 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 1
F_AR02502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 2
F_AR02702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 2
F_AR02802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 2
F_AR02902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 2
F_AR08502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 2
F_AR03002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 2
F_AR03102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 2
F_AR03202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 2
F_AR03302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 2
F_AR03402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 2
F_AR03502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 2
F_AR03602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 2
F_AR03702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 2
F_AR03902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 2
F_AR04002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 2
F_AR04102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 2
F_AR04202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 2
F_AR04302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 2
F_AR04402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 2
F_AR04502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 2
F_AR04602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 2
F_AR08602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 2
F_AR04702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 2
F_AR04802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 2
F_AR04902 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 2
F_AR05002 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 2
F_AR05102 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 2
F_AR05202 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 2
F_AR05302 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 2
F_AR05402 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 2
F_AR05502 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 2
F_AR05602 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 2
F_AR05702 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 2
F_AR05802 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 2
F_AR02503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 3
F_AR02703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 3
F_AR02803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 3
F_AR02903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 3
F_AR08503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 3
F_AR03003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 3
F_AR03103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 3
F_AR03203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 3
F_AR03303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 3
F_AR03403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 3
F_AR03503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 3
F_AR03603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 3
F_AR03703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 3
F_AR03903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 3
F_AR04003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 3
F_AR04103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 3
F_AR04203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 3
F_AR04303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 3
F_AR04403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 3
F_AR04503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 3
F_AR04603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 3
F_AR08603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 3
F_AR04703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 3
F_AR04803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 3
F_AR04903 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 3
F_AR05003 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 3
F_AR05103 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 3
F_AR05203 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 3
F_AR05303 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 3
F_AR05403 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 3
F_AR05503 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 3
F_AR05603 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 3
F_AR05703 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 3
F_AR05803 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 3
F_AR02504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 4
F_AR02704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 4
F_AR02804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 4
F_AR02904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 4
F_AR08504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 4
F_AR03004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 4
F_AR03104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 4
F_AR03204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 4
F_AR03304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 4
F_AR03404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 4
F_AR03504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 4
F_AR03604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 4
F_AR03704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 4
F_AR03904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 4
F_AR04004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 4
F_AR04104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 4
F_AR04204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 4
F_AR04304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 4
F_AR04404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 4
F_AR04504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 4
F_AR04604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 4
F_AR08604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 4
F_AR04704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 4
F_AR04804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 4
F_AR04904 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 4
F_AR05004 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 4
F_AR05104 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 4
F_AR05204 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 4
F_AR05304 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 4
F_AR05404 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 4
F_AR05504 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 4
F_AR05604 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 4
F_AR05704 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 4
F_AR05804 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 4
F_AR02505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 5
F_AR02705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 5
F_AR02805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 5
F_AR02905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 5
F_AR08505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 5
F_AR03005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 5
F_AR03105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 5
F_AR03205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 5
F_AR03305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 5
F_AR03405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 5
F_AR03505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 5
F_AR03605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 5
F_AR03705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 5
F_AR03905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 5
F_AR04005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 5
F_AR04105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 5
F_AR04205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 5
F_AR04305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 5
F_AR04405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 5
F_AR04505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 5
F_AR04605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 5
F_AR08605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 5
F_AR04705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 5
F_AR04805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 5
F_AR04905 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 5
F_AR05005 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 5
F_AR05105 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 5
F_AR05205 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 5
F_AR05305 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 5
F_AR05405 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 5
F_AR05505 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 5
F_AR05605 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 5
F_AR05705 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 5
F_AR05805 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 5
F_AR02506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 6
F_AR02706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 6
F_AR02806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 6
F_AR02906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 6
F_AR08506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 6
F_AR03006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 6
F_AR03106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 6
F_AR03206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 6
F_AR03306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 6
F_AR03406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 6
F_AR03506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 6
F_AR03606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 6
F_AR03706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 6
F_AR03906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 6
F_AR04006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 6
F_AR04106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 6
F_AR04206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 6
F_AR04306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 6
F_AR04406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 6
F_AR04506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 6
F_AR04606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 6
F_AR08606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 6
F_AR04706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 6
F_AR04806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 6
F_AR04906 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 6
F_AR05006 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 6
F_AR05106 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 6
F_AR05206 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 6
F_AR05306 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 6
F_AR05406 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 6
F_AR05506 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 6
F_AR05606 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 6
F_AR05706 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 6
F_AR05806 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 6
F_AR02507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 7
F_AR02707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 7
F_AR02807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 7
F_AR02907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 7
F_AR08507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 7
F_AR03007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 7
F_AR03107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 7
F_AR03207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 7
F_AR03307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 7
F_AR03407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 7
F_AR03507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 7
F_AR03607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 7
F_AR03707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 7
F_AR03907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 7
F_AR04007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 7
F_AR04107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 7
F_AR04207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 7
F_AR04307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 7
F_AR04407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 7
F_AR04507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 7
F_AR04607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 7
F_AR08607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 7
F_AR04707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 7
F_AR04807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 7
F_AR04907 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 7
F_AR05007 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 7
F_AR05107 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 7
F_AR05207 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 7
F_AR05307 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 7
F_AR05407 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 7
F_AR05507 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 7
F_AR05607 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 7
F_AR05707 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 7
F_AR05807 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 7
F_AR02508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 8
F_AR02708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 8
F_AR02808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 8
F_AR02908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 8
F_AR08508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 8
F_AR03008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 8
F_AR03108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 8
F_AR03208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 8
F_AR03308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 8
F_AR03408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 8
F_AR03508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 8
F_AR03608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 8
F_AR03708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 8
F_AR03908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 8
F_AR04008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 8
F_AR04108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 8
F_AR04208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 8
F_AR04308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 8
F_AR04408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 8
F_AR04508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 8
F_AR04608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 8
F_AR08608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 8
F_AR04708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 8
F_AR04808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 8
F_AR04908 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 8
F_AR05008 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 8
F_AR05108 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 8
F_AR05208 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 8
F_AR05308 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 8
F_AR05408 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 8
F_AR05508 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 8
F_AR05608 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 8
F_AR05708 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 8
F_AR05808 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 8
F_AR02509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: relationship 9
F_AR02709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 9
F_AR02809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 9
F_AR02909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 9
F_AR08509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 9
F_AR03009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 9
F_AR03109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 9
F_AR03209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 9
F_AR03309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 9
F_AR03409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 9
F_AR03509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 9
F_AR03609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 9
F_AR03709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 9
F_AR03909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 9
F_AR04009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 9
F_AR04109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 9
F_AR04209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 9
F_AR04309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 9
F_AR04409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 9
F_AR04509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 9
F_AR04609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 9
F_AR08609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 9
F_AR04709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 9
F_AR04809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 9
F_AR04909 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 9
F_AR05009 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 9
F_AR05109 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 9
F_AR05209 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 9
F_AR05309 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 9
F_AR05409 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 9
F_AR05509 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 9
F_AR05609 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 9
F_AR05709 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 9
F_AR05809 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 9
F_AR02710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: sex partner 10
F_AR02810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_month partner 10
F_AR02910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date of birth_year partner 10
F_AR08510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: age partner 10
F_AR03010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_month 10
F_AR03110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_year 10
F_AR03210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start relationship_age 10
F_AR03310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_month 10
F_AR03410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_year 10
F_AR03510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: start cohabitation_age 10
F_AR03610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: cohabitation agreement 10
F_AR03710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage 10
F_AR03910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_month 10
F_AR04010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: date civil marriage_year 10
F_AR04110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_age 10
F_AR04210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: civil marriage_type of agreement 10
F_AR04310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_pregnancy 10
F_AR04410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_surrounding people 10
F_AR04510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_confirmation 10
F_AR04610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_fertility plans 10
F_AR08610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_children 10
F_AR04710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_practical 10
F_AR04810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: reasons to marry_escape parental home 10
F_AR04910 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children with partner 10
F_AR05010 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children from other relationship of partner 10
F_AR05110 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: children in household from other relationship of partner 10
F_AR05210 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship 10
F_AR05310 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_month 10
F_AR05410 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_year 10
F_AR05510 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop relationship_age 10
F_AR05610 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_month 10
F_AR05710 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_year 10
F_AR05810 - A\ Post-marriage relationship: stop cohabitation_age 10
F_AR99901 - A\ New partner: age
F_AR99902 - A\ New partner: sex
F_AR99905 - A\ Partner reference marriage: age
F_AR99906 - A\ Partner reference marriage: sex
F_AR05900 - A\ Partner reference marriage: educational level
F_AR06000 - A\ New partner: educational level
F_AR06101 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: good relationship
F_AR06102 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: stable relationship
F_AR06103 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: strong relationship
F_AR06104 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: happy
F_AR06105 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: team with partner
F_AR06200 - A\ Relationship satisfaction: degree of happiness_current relationship
F_AR06301 - A\ Communication with partner: daily problems
F_AR06302 - A\ Communication with partner: interests
F_AR06303 - A\ Communication with partner: daily events
F_AR06401 - A\ Support from partner: work or education
F_AR06402 - A\ Support from partner: worries or health problems
F_AR06403 - A\ Support from partner: leisure time activities and social contacts
F_AR06404 - A\ Support from partner: practical things
F_AR06405 - A\ Support from partner: personal matters
F_AR06501 - A\ Conflict intensity: blame each other
F_AR06502 - A\ Conflict intensity: yelling or screaming
F_AR06503 - A\ Conflict intensity: physical violence
F_AR06504 - A\ Conflict intensity: throw or break things
F_AR06505 - A\ Conflict intensity: not want to talk to each other for a while
F_AR06601 - A\ Conflict issues: managing finances
F_AR06602 - A\ Conflict issues: leisure time
F_AR06603 - A\ Conflict issues: expression of feelings
F_AR06604 - A\ Conflict issues: friends
F_AR06605 - A\ Conflict issues: sexual life
F_AR06606 - A\ Conflict issues: parents (-in-law)
F_AR06607 - A\ Conflict issues: household tasks
F_AR06608 - A\ Conflict issues: work
F_AR06609 - A\ Conflict issues: raising children
F_AR06610 - A\ Conflict issues: alcohol usage
F_AR06701 - A\ Conflict resolution: each had their say
F_AR06702 - A\ Conflict resolution: thinking 'here we go again'
F_AR06703 - A\ Conflict resolution: able to resolve problems
F_AR06704 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments stay unresolved
F_AR06705 - A\ Conflict resolution: days pass without resolving differences
F_AR06706 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments get stuck
F_AR06707 - A\ Conflict resolution: better ways needed
F_AR06708 - A\ Conflict resolution: arguments resolved quickly
F_AR06800 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_ever
F_AR06900 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help
F_AR07001 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship therapist
F_AR07002 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychologist
F_AR07003 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_family doctor
F_AR07004 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychiatrist
F_AR07005 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship mediator
F_AR07006 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_CAW
F_AR07007 - A\ Current marriage: difficulties_professional help_other
F_AR07100 - A\ Divorce mediation: ever heard of
F_AR07201 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_notary
F_AR07202 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_sollicitor
F_AR07203 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_justice of the peace
F_AR07204 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_Centre for General Welfare
F_AR07205 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_Public Welfare Centre
F_AR07206 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_internet
F_AR07207 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_newpaper_tv
F_AR07208 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_partner
F_AR07209 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_family
F_AR07210 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_friends
F_AR07211 - A\ Divorce mediation: channel_other
F_AR07301 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: family
F_AR07302 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends
F_AR07303 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: family partner
F_AR07304 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: friends partner
F_AR07305 - A \ Attitude social network towards relationship: mutual friends
F_AR07400 - A\ Relationship in trouble in the past 12 months
F_AR07500 - A\ Thinking about separation in the past 12 months
F_AR07601 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_financial situation
F_AR07602 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_work
F_AR07603 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_housing
F_AR07604 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_health
F_AR07605 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_quality of relationship
F_AR07606 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_children
F_AR07607 - A\ Decision to separate: important factors_friends and family
F_AR07700 - A\ Marriage: divorce chance
F_AR07800 - A\ Fertility: intentions_next three years
F_AR07900 - A\ Fertility: intentions_ever
F_AR08000 - A\ Fertility: ideal number of children
F_AR08100 - A\ Fertility: planned number of children
F_AR08200 - A\ Fertility: agreement with partner
F_AR08300 - A\ Fertility: intensity of conflict with partner
F_AR08400 - A\ Fertility: fertility problem
F_AV00101 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage outdated
F_AV00102 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: unmarried cohabitation all right
F_AV00103 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: marriage is lifetime
F_AV00104 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: divorce unhappy marriage allright even when childre
F_AV00105 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: women needs children to be fulllfilled
F_AV00106 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: men needs children to be fullfilled
F_AV00107 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child needs both mother and father at home
F_AV00108 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: single motherhood all right
F_AV00109 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: child age 18+ needs to live independently
F_AV00110 - A\ Marriage and parenthood attitudes: homoseksuals equal rights
F_AN00101 - A\ New partner: personal contact_frequency
F_AN00102 - A\ New partner: personal contact_time unit
F_AN00201 - A\ New partner: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN00202 - A\ New partner: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN00301 - A\ New partner: distance_hours
F_AN00302 - A\ New partner: distance_minutes
F_AN00401 - A\ Mother: personal contact_frequency
F_AN00402 - A\ Mother: personal contact_time unit
F_AN00501 - A\ Mother: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN00502 - A\ Mother: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN00601 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_distance
F_AN00602 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_she does not want to
F_AN00603 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN00604 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN00605 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN00606 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN00607 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_never met her
F_AN00608 - A\ Mother: reason no contact_other
F_AN00701 - A\ Mother: distance_hours
F_AN00702 - A\ Mother: distance_minutes
F_AN00800 - A\ Mother: quality of relationship
F_AN00900 - A\ Mother: help with personal care
F_AN01001 - A\ Father: personal contact_frequency
F_AN01002 - A\ Father: personal contact_time unit
F_AN01101 - A\ Father: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN01102 - A\ Father: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN01201 - A\ Father: reason no contact_distance
F_AN01202 - A\ Father: reason no contact_he does not want to
F_AN01203 - A\ Father: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN01204 - A\ Father: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN01205 - A\ Father: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN01206 - A\ Father: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN01207 - A\ Father: reason no contact_never met him
F_AN01208 - A\ Father: reason no contact_other
F_AN01301 - A\ Father: distance_hours
F_AN01302 - A\ Father: distance_minutes
F_AN01400 - A\ Father: quality of relationship
F_AN01500 - A\ Father: help with personal care
F_AN01600 - A\ Mother-in-law: still alive
F_AN01701 - A\ Mother-in-law: personal contact_frequency
F_AN01702 - A\ Mother-in-law: personal contact_time unit
F_AN01801 - A\ Mother-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN01802 - A\ Mother-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN01901 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_distance
F_AN01902 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_she does not want to
F_AN01903 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN01904 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN01905 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN01906 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN01907 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_never met her
F_AN01908 - A\ Mother-in-law: reason no contact_other
F_AN02001 - A\ Mother-in-law: distance_hours
F_AN02002 - A\ Mother-in-law: distance_minutes
F_AN02100 - A\ Mother-in-law: quality of relationship
F_AN02200 - A\ Father-in-law: still alive
F_AN02301 - A\ Father-in-law: personal contact_frequency
F_AN02302 - A\ Father-in-law: personal contact_time unit
F_AN02401 - A\ Father-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN02402 - A\ Father-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN02501 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_distance
F_AN02502 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_he does not want to
F_AN02503 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN02504 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN02505 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN02506 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN02507 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_never met him
F_AN02508 - A\ Father-in-law: reason no contact_other
F_AN02601 - A\ Father-in-law: distance_hours
F_AN02602 - A\ Father-in-law: distance_minutes
F_AN02700 - A\ Father-in-law: quality of relationship
F_AN02800 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: still alive
F_AN02900 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: in household
F_AN03001 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: personal contact_frequency
F_AN03002 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: personal contact_time unit
F_AN03101 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN03102 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN03201 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_distance
F_AN03202 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_she does not want to
F_AN03203 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN03204 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN03205 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN03206 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN03207 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_never met her
F_AN03208 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: reason no contact_other
F_AN03301 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: distance_hours
F_AN03302 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: distance_minutes
F_AN03400 - A\ Ex-mother-in-law: quality of relationship
F_AN03500 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: still alive
F_AN03600 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: in household
F_AN03701 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: personal contact_frequency
F_AN03702 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: personal contact_time unit
F_AN03801 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN03802 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN03901 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_distance
F_AN03902 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_he does not want to
F_AN03903 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN03904 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN03905 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN03906 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN03907 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_never met him
F_AN03908 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: reason no contact_other
F_AN04001 - A\ Ex-father-in-law:distance_hours
F_AN04002 - A\ Ex-father-in-law:distance_minutes
F_AN04100 - A\ Ex-father-in-law: quality of relationship
F_AN04201 - A\ TC: personal contact_frequency
F_AN04202 - A\ TC: personal contact_time unit
F_AN04301 - A\ TC: non-personal contact_frequency
F_AN04302 - A\ TC: non-personal contact_time unit
F_AN04401 - A\ TC: reason no contact_distance
F_AN04402 - A\ TC: reason no contact_he/she does not want to
F_AN04403 - A\ TC: reason no contact_I do not want to
F_AN04404 - A\ TC: reason no contact_partner does not want to
F_AN04405 - A\ TC: reason no contact_conflict
F_AN04406 - A\ TC: reason no contact_contact not allowed
F_AN04407 - A\ TC: reason no contact_lost contact
F_AN04408 - A\ TC: reason no contact_other
F_AN04501 - A\ TC: distance_hours
F_AN04502 - A\ TC: distance_minutes
F_AN04601 - A\ TC: quality of relationship
F_AN04602 - A\ TC: date last contact_month
F_AN04603 - A\ TC: date last contact_year
F_AV00201 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: grandparents take care of grandchildren
F_AV00202 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents support children financially
F_AV00203 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: parents should adapt their lifestyle
F_AV00204 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children take care of parents
F_AV00205 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children adapt their working life
F_AV00206 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: daughters take care of parents
F_AV00207 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: sons take care of parents
F_AV00208 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children support parents financially
F_AV00209 - A\ Intergenerational solidarity: adult children let parents live in
F_AA00100 - A\ Educational level
F_AA00200 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_month
F_AA00300 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_year
F_AA00400 - A\ Educational level: date reached level_age
F_AA00500 - A\ Ever paid job
F_AA00600 - A Activity status
F_AA00701 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_month
F_AA00801 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_year
F_AA00901 - A\ Career reconstruction: date left school_age
F_AA01001 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 1
F_AA01101 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 1
F_AA01201 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 1
F_AA01301 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 1
F_AA00702 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 2
F_AA00802 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 2
F_AA00902 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 2
F_AA01002 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 2
F_AA01102 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 2
F_AA01202 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 2
F_AA01302 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 2
F_AA00703 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 3
F_AA00803 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 3
F_AA00903 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 3
F_AA01003 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 3
F_AA01103 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 3
F_AA01203 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 3
F_AA01303 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 3
F_AA00704 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 4
F_AA00804 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 4
F_AA00904 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 4
F_AA01004 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 4
F_AA01104 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 4
F_AA01204 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 4
F_AA01304 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 4
F_AA00705 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 5
F_AA00805 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 5
F_AA00905 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 5
F_AA01005 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 5
F_AA01105 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 5
F_AA01205 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 5
F_AA01305 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 5
F_AA00706 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 6
F_AA00806 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 6
F_AA00906 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 6
F_AA01006 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 6
F_AA01106 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 6
F_AA01206 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 6
F_AA01306 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 6
F_AA00707 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 7
F_AA00807 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 7
F_AA00907 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 7
F_AA01007 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 7
F_AA01107 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 7
F_AA01207 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 7
F_AA01307 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 7
F_AA00708 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 8
F_AA00808 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 8
F_AA00908 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 8
F_AA01008 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 8
F_AA01108 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 8
F_AA01208 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 8
F_AA01308 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 8
F_AA00709 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 9
F_AA00809 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 9
F_AA00909 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 9
F_AA01009 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 9
F_AA01109 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 9
F_AA01209 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 9
F_AA01309 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 9
F_AA00710 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 10
F_AA00810 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 10
F_AA00910 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 10
F_AA01010 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 10
F_AA01110 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 10
F_AA01210 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 10
F_AA01310 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 10
F_AA00711 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 11
F_AA00811 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 11
F_AA00911 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 11
F_AA01011 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 11
F_AA01111 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 11
F_AA01211 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 11
F_AA01311 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 11
F_AA00712 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 12
F_AA00812 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 12
F_AA00912 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 12
F_AA01012 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 12
F_AA01112 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 12
F_AA01212 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 12
F_AA01312 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 12
F_AA00713 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 13
F_AA00813 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 13
F_AA00913 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 13
F_AA01013 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 13
F_AA01113 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 13
F_AA01213 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 13
F_AA01313 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 13
F_AA00714 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 14
F_AA00814 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 14
F_AA00914 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 14
F_AA01014 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 14
F_AA01114 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 14
F_AA01214 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 14
F_AA01314 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 14
F_AA00715 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_month 15
F_AA00815 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_year 15
F_AA00915 - A\ Career reconstruction: start new period_age 15
F_AA01015 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job or inactive 15
F_AA01115 - A\ Career reconstruction: paid job_fulltime or parttime 15
F_AA01215 - A\ Career reconstruction: type of inactivity 15
F_AA01315 - A\ Career reconstruction: change in situation 15
F_AA01400 - A\ Current job: name
F_AA01500 - A\ Current job: description
F_AA01600 - A\ Current job: categorie
F_AA01700 - A\ Current job: supervising
F_AA01801 - A\ Work-family balance: too tired for household work
F_AA01802 - A\ Work-family balance: lack of time for family responsibilities
F_AA01803 - A\ Work-family balance: too tired for work
F_AA01804 - A\ Work-family balance: lack of concentration for work
F_AA01901 - A\ Current job: invested time weekly_hours
F_AA01902 - A\ Current job: invested time weekly_minutes
F_AA02000 - A\ Income_personal
F_AA02100 - A\ Income_household
F_AA02201 - A\ Household facilities: DVD-player
F_AA02202 - A\ Household facilities: internet access
F_AA02203 - A\ Household facilities: car
F_AA02204 - A\ Household facilities: computer
F_AA02205 - A\ Household facilities: dish washer
F_AA02206 - A\ Household facilities: washing machine
F_AA02207 - A\ Household facilities: microwave oven
F_AA02301 - A\ Problems with payments: gas or electricity
F_AA02302 - A\ Problems with payments: doctor or dentist
F_AA02303 - A\ Problems with payments: rent
F_AA02304 - A\ Problems with payments: mortgage
F_AA02400 - A\ Subjective perception of income
F_AT00101 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_preparing daily meals
F_AT00201 - A \ Task division: help_preparing daily meals
F_AT00102 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_dishes
F_AT00202 - A \ Task division: help_dishes
F_AT00103 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_shopping for food
F_AT00203 - A \ Task division: help_shopping for food
F_AT00104 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_ironing
F_AT00204 - A \ Task division: help_ironing
F_AT00105 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_cleaning
F_AT00205 - A \ Task division: help_cleaning
F_AT00106 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_small repairs in house
F_AT00206 - A \ Task division: help_small repairs in house
F_AT00107 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_gardening
F_AT00207 - A \ Task division: help_gardening
F_AT00108 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_finances
F_AT00208 - A \ Task division: help_finances
F_AT00109 - A \ Task division: between respondent and partner_joint social activities
F_AT00209 - A \ Task division: help_joint social activities
F_AT00300 - A \ Task division: perception fairness
F_AT00401 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_playing
F_AT00501 - A\ Task division children: help_playing
F_AT00402 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_getting up at night
F_AT00502 - A\ Task division children: help_getting up at night
F_AT00403 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_dressing
F_AT00503 - A\ Task division children: help_dressing
F_AT00404 - A\ Task division children: between respondent and partner_feeding
F_AT00504 - A\ Task division children: help_feeding
F_AT00601 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_preparing daily meals
F_AT00602 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_dishes
F_AT00603 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_shopping for food
F_AT00604 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_ironing
F_AT00605 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_cleaning
F_AT00606 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_small repairs in house
F_AT00607 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_gardening
F_AT00608 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_finances
F_AT00609 - A \ Task division: respondent without partner_social activities
F_AT00701 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_playing
F_AT00702 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_getting up at night
F_AT00703 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_dressing
F_AT00704 - A\ Task division children: respondent without children_feeding
F_AT00801 - A\ Formal child care: day care_frequency
F_AT00901 - A\ Formal child care: day care_time unit
F_AT00802 - A\ Formal child care: school_frequency
F_AT00902 - A\ Formal child care: school_time unit
F_AT00803 - A\ Formal child care: babysit_frequency
F_AT00903 - A\ Formal child care: babysit_time unit
F_AT00804 - A\ Formal child care: au pair_frequency
F_AT00904 - A\ Formal child care: au pair_time unit
F_AT01000 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support regularly
F_AT01101 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1
F_AT01102 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2
F_AT01103 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3
F_AT01104 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4
F_AT01105 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5
F_AT01201 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1_frequency
F_AT01301 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 1_time unit
F_AT01202 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2_frequency
F_AT01302 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 2_time unit
F_AT01203 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3_frequency
F_AT01303 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 3_time unit
F_AT01204 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4_frequency
F_AT01304 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 4_time unit
F_AT01205 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5_frequency
F_AT01305 - A\ Informal child care: receiving support from person 5_time unit
F_AV00301 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: mother-child relationship
F_AV00302 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: working mother_consequences child
F_AV00303 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: desires women
F_AV00304 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: independency women
F_AV00305 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: household income
F_AV00306 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: fathers raising children
F_AV00307 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: emotions men
F_AV00308 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: working father_consequences child
F_AV00309 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: child with mother after divorce
F_AV00310 - A\ Genderrol attitudes: houseman/wife
F_AD00100 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of birth_month
F_AD00200 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of birth_year
F_AD00300 - A\ Ex-spouse: still alive
F_AD00400 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of decease_month
F_AD00500 - A\ Ex-spouse: date of decease_year
F_AD00602 - A\ Ex-spouse: age
F_AD00700 - A\ Ex-spouse: educational level
F_AD00800 - A\ Ex-spouse: living togheter with new partner
F_AD00901 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_number of months
F_AD00902 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_number of years
F_AD01000 - A\ First marriage: start difficulties_age
F_AD01100 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help
F_AD01201 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_relationship therapist
F_AD01202 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychologist
F_AD01203 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_family doctor
F_AD01204 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_psychiatrist
F_AD01205 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_mediation
F_AD01206 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_CAW
F_AD01207 - A\ First marriage: difficulties_professional help_other
F_AD01300 - A\ Who started talking about breaking up
F_AD01400 - A\ Who took decision to break up
F_AD01500 - A\ Who started legal process of divorce
F_AD01601 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: in near future
F_AD01602 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: hoping for a reconciliation
F_AD01603 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: I did not want to
F_AD01604 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: partner did not want to
F_AD01605 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: legal procedures
F_AD01606 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: children
F_AD01607 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: financial reasons
F_AD01608 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: professional reasons
F_AD01609 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: negative reactions others
F_AD01610 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: religion
F_AD01611 - A\ Reason no legal process of divorce: other
F_AD01700 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_month
F_AD01800 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_year
F_AD01900 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_age
F_AD02000 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_who left dwelling
F_AD02100 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_new living place
F_AD02200 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_owner dwelling
F_AD02300 - A\ Ever divorced: stop cohabitation_division dwelling
F_AD02400 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_month
F_AD02500 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_year
F_AD02600 - A\ Ever divorced: start legal process of divorce_age
F_AD02701 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 1
F_AD02702 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 2
F_AD02703 - A\ Ever divorced: reason end of marriage 3
F_AD02800 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: ever heard of
F_AD02901 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_notary
F_AD02902 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_sollicitor
F_AD02903 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_justice of the peace
F_AD02904 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_Centre for General Welfare
F_AD02905 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_Public Welfare Centre
F_AD02906 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_internet
F_AD02907 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_newpaper_tv
F_AD02908 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_partner
F_AD02909 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_family
F_AD02910 - A\ Ever divorced: Divorce mediation: channel_friends
F_AD02911 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation: channel_other
F_AD03000 - A\ Ever divorced: visit a mediatior
F_AD03100 - A\ Ever divorced: considered visititing a mediatior
F_AD03201 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_price
F_AD03202 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_no mediator
F_AD03203 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_partner did not want to
F_AD03204 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_to do our selves
F_AD03205 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_other help
F_AD03206 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_opinion others
F_AD03207 - A\ Ever divorced: reason not to use mediation_other
F_AD03300 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_when
F_AD03400 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_inititiative
F_AD03500 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_type
F_AD03600 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_sex
F_AD03700 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_children
F_AD03800 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_agreement
F_AD03900 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_satisfaction agreement
F_AD04000 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_general satisfaction
F_AD04100 - A\ Ever divorced: divorce mediation_number of sessions
F_AD04200 - A\ Divorce ruling: date_month
F_AD04300 - A\ Divorce ruling: date_year
F_AD04501 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_mutual consent
F_AD04502 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_de facto seperation
F_AD04503 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_de facto seperation by mental disorder
F_AD04504 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_adultery
F_AD04505 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_excesses, physical or mental cruelty
F_AD04506 - A\ Divorce ruling: ground_irretrievable breakdown
F_AD04600 - A\ Divorce ruling: years of factual seperation
F_AD04700 - A\ Conflict after decision to break up
F_AD04800 - A\ Divorce ruling: perception fairness division of goods
F_AD04900 - A\ Alimony: ever entitled
F_AD05000 - A\ Alimony: de facto arrangement
F_AD05100 - A\ Alimony for respondent: ever entitled
F_AD05200 - A\ Alimony for respondent: de facto arrangement
F_AD05300 - A\ Alimony for respondent: legal amount
F_AD05400 - A\ Alimony for respondent: frequency
F_AD05500 - A\ Alimony for respondent: punctuality
F_AD05600 - A\ Alimony for respondent: received agreed amount
F_AD05700 - A\ Alimony for respondent: amount received
F_AD05800 - A\ Alimony for respondent: ever took steps to claim
F_AD05901 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_solve myselve
F_AD05902 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_principle
F_AD05903 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_did not know
F_AD05904 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_price
F_AD05905 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_not necessary
F_AD05906 - A\ Alimony for respondent: reason not to claim_other
F_AD06000 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: ever entitled
F_AD06100 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: de facto arrangement
F_AD06200 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: legal amount
F_AD06300 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: frequency
F_AD06400 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: punctuality
F_AD06500 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: received agreed amount
F_AD06600 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: amount received
F_AD06700 - A\ Alimony for ex-partner: ever took steps to claim
F_AD06800 - A\ Alimony for children_received: ever entitled
F_AD06900 - A\ Alimony for children_received: de facto arrangement
F_AD07000 - A\ Alimony for children_received: legal amount
F_AD07100 - A\ Alimony for children_received: frequency
F_AD07200 - A\ Alimony for children_received: punctuality
F_AD07300 - A\ Alimony for children_received: received agreed amount
F_AD07400 - A\ Alimony for children_received: amount received
F_AD07500 - A\ Alimony for children_received: ever took steps to claim
F_AD07601 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_solve myselve
F_AD07602 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_principle
F_AD07603 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_did not know
F_AD07604 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_price
F_AD07605 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_not necessary
F_AD07606 - A\ Alimony for children_received: reason not to claim_other
F_AD07700 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: ever entitled
F_AD07800 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: de facto arrangement
F_AD07900 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: legal amount
F_AD08000 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: frequency
F_AD08100 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: punctuality
F_AD08200 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: paid agreed amount
F_AD08300 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: amount paid
F_AD08400 - A\ Alimony for children_paid: ever took steps to claim
F_AD08501 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Send a registerd letter
F_AD08502 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Take a lawyer
F_AD08503 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Go to court
F_AD08504 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Contact a bailiff
F_AD08505 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Contact the police
F_AD08506 - A\ Steps to claim alimony: Applied to DAVO (Alimony Claims Service)
F_AD08507 - A\ Steps to claim alimony:Other
F_AD08600 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Common account
F_AD08701 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Clothes and shoes
F_AD08702 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Doctor�s visits and medication
F_AD08703 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Membership of a club, expenses for hobbies
F_AD08704 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Expenses for school and education
F_AD08705 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Mobile phone
F_AD08706 - A\ Sharing expenses of child with ex_partner: Glasses, dental braces�
F_AD08800 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever heard of
F_AD08901 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Notary
F_AD08902 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A lawyer
F_AD08903 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A justice of peace
F_AD08904 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_A Center for General Welfare
F_AD08905 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The Public Welfare Center
F_AD08906 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The internet
F_AD08907 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_The newspaper or TV
F_AD08908 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_My partner
F_AD08909 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Family
F_AD08910 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Acquaintances
F_AD08911 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: channel heard of_Other
F_AD09000 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever call upon the Alimony Claims Service
F_AD09101 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Procedure started
F_AD09102 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Advance payments
F_AD09103 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Refusal
F_AD09104 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_No decision yet
F_AD09105 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: results application_Other
F_AD09201 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Not necesarry
F_AD09202 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Wanted to solve problem themselve
F_AD09203 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_ Didn�t know how
F_AD09204 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Didn�t meet the conditions
F_AD09205 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_ Service didn�t exist yet
F_AD09206 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: reason no application_Other
F_AD09300 - A\ Alimony Claims Service: ever procedure against respondent
F_AD09400 - A\ Parental authority TC after divorce: shared parental authority
F_AD14300 - A\ Parental authority TC after divorce: co-parenting arrangement
F_AD09501 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: never with respondent
F_AD09502 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: permanently with respondent
F_AD09503 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: never with ex- spouse
F_AD09504 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation:permanently with ex- spouse
F_AD09505 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
F_AD09506 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: at home and respondent moved in and out
F_AD09507 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
F_AD09508 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: no set arrangement/ child decided
F_AD09601 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD09602 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD09603 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD09604 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD09605 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD09606 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD09607 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD09608 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD09609 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD09610 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD09611 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD09612 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD09613 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD09614 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD09615 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD09616 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD09617 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD09618 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD09619 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD09620 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD09621 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD09622 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD09623 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD09624 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD09625 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD09626 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD09627 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD09628 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD09629 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD09630 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD09631 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD09632 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD09633 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD09634 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD09635 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD09636 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD09637 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD09638 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD09639 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD09640 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD09641 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD09642 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD09643 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD09644 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD09645 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD09646 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD09647 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD09648 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD09649 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD09650 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD09651 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD09652 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD09653 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD09654 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD09655 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD09656 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD09701 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD09702 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD09703 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD09704 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD09705 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD09706 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD09707 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD09708 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD09709 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD09710 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD09711 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD09712 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD09713 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD09714 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD09715 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD09716 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD09717 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD09718 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD09719 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD09720 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD09721 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD09722 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD09723 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD09724 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD09725 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD09726 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD09727 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD09728 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD09729 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD09730 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD09731 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD09732 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD09733 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD09734 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD09735 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD09736 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD09737 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD09738 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD09739 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD09740 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD09741 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD09742 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD09743 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD09744 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD09745 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD09746 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD09747 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD09748 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD09749 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD09750 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD09751 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD09752 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD09753 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD09754 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD09755 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD09756 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD09800 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation:When not with respondent or ex-spouse
F_AD09900 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: diversion legal agreement
F_AD10000 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: subjective perception
F_AD10100 - A\ Living arrangement TC following seperation: TC involved
F_AD10200 - A\ Living arrangement TC: first change
F_AD10300 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: age TC
F_AD10400 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change:TC involved
F_AD10501 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: never with respondent
F_AD10502 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: permanently with respondent
F_AD10503 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: never with ex-spouse
F_AD10504 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: permanently with ex-spouse
F_AD10505 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
F_AD10506 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: at home and respondent moved in and out
F_AD10507 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
F_AD10508 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: no set arrangement/ child decided
F_AD10601 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD10602 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD10603 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD10604 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD10605 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD10606 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD10607 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD10608 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD10609 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD10610 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD10611 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD10612 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD10613 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD10614 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD10615 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD10616 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD10617 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD10618 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD10619 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD10620 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD10621 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD10622 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD10623 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD10624 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD10625 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD10626 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD10627 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD10628 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD10629 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD10630 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD10631 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD10632 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD10633 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD10634 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD10635 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD10636 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD10637 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD10638 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD10639 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD10640 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD10641 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD10642 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD10643 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD10644 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD10645 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD10646 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD10647 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD10648 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD10649 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD10650 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD10651 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD10652 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD10653 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD10654 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD10655 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD10656 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD10701 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD10702 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD10703 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD10704 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD10705 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD10706 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD10707 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD10708 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD10709 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD10710 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD10711 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD10712 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD10713 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD10714 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD10715 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD10716 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD10717 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD10718 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD10719 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD10720 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD10721 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD10722 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD10723 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD10724 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD10725 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD10726 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD10727 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD10728 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD10729 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD10730 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD10731 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD10732 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD10733 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD10734 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD10735 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD10736 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD10737 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD10738 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD10739 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD10740 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD10741 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD10742 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD10743 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD10744 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD10745 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD10746 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD10747 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD10748 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD10749 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD10750 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD10751 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD10752 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD10753 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD10754 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD10755 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD10756 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD10800 - A\ Living arrangement TC first change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
F_AD10900 - A\ Living arrangement TC: second change
F_AD11000 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: age TC
F_AD11100 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change:TC involved
F_AD11201 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: never with respondent
F_AD11202 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: permanently with respondent
F_AD11203 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: never with ex-spouse
F_AD11204 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: permanently with ex-spouse
F_AD11205 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
F_AD11206 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: at home and respondent moved in and out
F_AD11207 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
F_AD11208 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: no set arrangement/ child decided
F_AD11301 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD11302 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD11303 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD11304 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD11305 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD11306 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD11307 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD11308 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD11309 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD11310 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD11311 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD11312 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD11313 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD11314 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD11315 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD11316 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD11317 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD11318 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD11319 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD11320 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD11321 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD11322 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD11323 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD11324 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD11325 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD11326 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD11327 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD11328 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD11329 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD11330 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD11331 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD11332 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD11333 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD11334 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD11335 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD11336 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD11337 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD11338 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD11339 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD11340 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD11341 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD11342 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD11343 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD11344 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD11345 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD11346 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD11347 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD11348 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD11349 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD11350 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD11351 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD11352 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD11353 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD11354 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD11355 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD11356 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With respondent_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD11401 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD11402 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD11403 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD11404 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD11405 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD11406 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD11407 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD11408 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD11409 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD11410 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD11411 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD11412 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD11413 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD11414 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD11415 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD11416 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD11417 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD11418 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD11419 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD11420 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD11421 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD11422 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD11423 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD11424 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD11425 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD11426 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD11427 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD11428 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD11429 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD11430 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD11431 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD11432 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD11433 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD11434 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD11435 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD11436 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD11437 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD11438 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD11439 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD11440 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD11441 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD11442 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD11443 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD11444 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD11445 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD11446 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD11447 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD11448 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD11449 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD11450 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD11451 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_day
F_AD11452 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Friday_night
F_AD11453 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_day
F_AD11454 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Saterday_night
F_AD11455 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_day
F_AD11456 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: With ex-spouse_week 4_Sunday_night
F_AD11500 - A\ Living arrangement TC second change: When not with respondent or ex-spouse
F_AD11600 - A\ Living arrangement TC: third change
F_AD11700 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: age TC
F_AD11800 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change:TC involved
F_AD11901 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: never with respondent
F_AD11902 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: permanently with respondent
F_AD11903 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: never with ex-spouse
F_AD11904 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: permanently with ex-spouse
F_AD11905 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: partly with respondent and partly with ex- spouse or somewhere else
F_AD11906 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: at home and respondent moved in and out
F_AD11907 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: at home and ex- spouse moved in and out
F_AD11908 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: no set arrangement/ child decided
F_AD12001 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_day
F_AD12002 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Monday_night
F_AD12003 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_day
F_AD12004 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Tuesday_night
F_AD12005 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_day
F_AD12006 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Wednesday_night
F_AD12007 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_day
F_AD12008 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Thursday_night
F_AD12009 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_day
F_AD12010 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Friday_night
F_AD12011 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_day
F_AD12012 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Saterday_night
F_AD12013 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_day
F_AD12014 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 1_Sunday_night
F_AD12015 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_day
F_AD12016 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Monday_night
F_AD12017 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_day
F_AD12018 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Tuesday_night
F_AD12019 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_day
F_AD12020 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Wednesday_night
F_AD12021 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_day
F_AD12022 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Thursday_night
F_AD12023 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_day
F_AD12024 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Friday_night
F_AD12025 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_day
F_AD12026 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Saterday_night
F_AD12027 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_day
F_AD12028 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 2_Sunday_night
F_AD12029 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_day
F_AD12030 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Monday_night
F_AD12031 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_day
F_AD12032 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Tuesday_night
F_AD12033 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_day
F_AD12034 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Wednesday_night
F_AD12035 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_day
F_AD12036 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Thursday_night
F_AD12037 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_day
F_AD12038 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Friday_night
F_AD12039 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_day
F_AD12040 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Saterday_night
F_AD12041 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_day
F_AD12042 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 3_Sunday_night
F_AD12043 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_day
F_AD12044 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Monday_night
F_AD12045 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_day
F_AD12046 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Tuesday_night
F_AD12047 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_day
F_AD12048 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Wednesday_night
F_AD12049 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_day
F_AD12050 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Thursday_night
F_AD12051 - A\ Living arrangement TC third change: With respondent_week 4_Friday_day